Chapter 29

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My favorite sound in the whole world was Harry reading to our two and four year olds before bed. Lucas usually asked for something Dr. Suess while Allison was partial to Thomas the Train. Harry would satisfy both of them, reading sometimes two books before they would finally drift off to sleep.

Five years into our marriage and our family had grown by two, almost three. I ran my hand over my protruding belly. I was two weeks away from my due date. The only comfortable position now was on my side. This pregnancy had been much more of a roller coaster than the either Lucas or Allison had been. I was put on bed rest three months ago after a middle of the night scare with some pretty intense and very much too early contractions.

Harry declared I would experience no stress whatsoever. Though I wasn't sure that was possible with two toddlers running around. Still, he cleared his schedule of any commitments he'd made to make sure he was home to handle anything and it was nice to have him around.

Harry's career had become...well...legendary. He'd been nominated for an Oscar for his last roll as Donald Triplett, the first person to ever have been diagnosed as autistic. His last CD and tour had been completed just before Allison was born. Since then he had been battling a slight case of writer's block but it seemed to be waning. I could see the music returning to him slowly but surely.

My career had also taken off. Our efforts to make sure justice was served on some of the most egregious cases around the world had paid off exponentially. Roland was so happy with the results he'd doubled the fundage we'd been given. I had hired an entire second team to help with the caseload. I had become the number one name when it came to fighting human rights cases. I loved my job.

Harry and I had enjoyed a type of success in our marriage that I never expected. Despite our busy schedules and travel around the world, we were still mad for each other, evidenced by the fact that I was pregnant for a third time in five years.

I looked up from my pillow when I heard Harry walk into our bedroom,

"Both asleep."

I smiled,

"Asleep enough to get up in an hour and ask for a glass of water or are we talking an all night commitment?"

He laughed as he crawled towards me on the bed,

"I know better than to think either of our children is ready to make that kind of commitment." He pressed a kiss to my mouth. He spread his hand out on my belly, "How are things going in there?"

I looked down at my bloated stomach,

"Close to done I hope."

A slight cloud of worry passed over his features,

"Are you feeling alright?"

I lifted my hand to his cheek,

"I feel fine."

He gave me a weak smile. I knew he was worried or actually a better word was probably terrified. Every time I frowned or grimaced he stopped whatever he was doing to rush over to help me. I'd never seen him turn as white as he had when our OB/GYN told me she was prescribing bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. Despite my assurances I was alright, he could only picture tragedy. I did my best to keep myself calm and stress free to help ease his worries.

I felt a slight pressure build up in my stomach that was familiar. It caused me to freeze. Harry did as well. He quirked a brow,

"You alright?"

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