Chapter 22

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The banging on the door of the guest house was surprising for a few reasons. First it was like seven in the morning. And second, I couldn't think of a single person who would bang on my door like that. I glanced at my phone. It was black.


I'd turned it off last night after getting home with Louisa. The last thing I wanted was to discuss...anything.

The look on Elizabeth's face haunted me. Every time I closed my eyes all I saw was her shock...and the hurt. I wanted nothing more than to run after her to explain but Louisa's death grip on my hand, the paparazzi outside and the promise I'd made to myself not to chase after her any longer ended any hope of that.

My phone finally turned on, indicating several missed calls from Natalie. Well, that explained the banging on the door.

I ran my hand down my face as I made my way to the door, pulling it open mid bang,

"It's seven in the morning." I said, exasperated.

She pushed past me,

"What the hell are you doing? And why the hell didn't you answer the phone?"

I shut the door behind her,

"Come on in."

She turned around, her hands on her hips, it seemed only then did she realize the construction happening outside the window. She stared outside, turning to look at me after a few seconds,

"Alright, I know we haven't spoken in awhile...that's probably my fault...but what is going on?"

I folded my arms over my chest with a shrug,

"Bought this place...renovating it before I move in. How did you know where I was?"

She pushed the curtains back to get a better look out the window,

"Gemma." She answered, "'s beautiful." She gasped.

"Well it will be." I responded as I stared the coffee, " were...yelling..."

She nodded,

"Oh...right." She turned to look at me, "Elizabeth last night..."

Natalie's anger seemed to be gone now. I braced my hands on the kitchen counter,

"Is she alright?" I asked.

Natalie shook her head,

"No." She answered, "She's devastated. She thinks you're dating again." She stopped, "Are you?"

I shook my head as I turned to get the milk out of the refrigerator,

"No. That's Louisa...she's in a new play on the West End. Her management wants her seen." I answered as I set the milk on the counter, "I am playing a part, that's it. That's all."

A slow smile spread over her face. Natalie nodded,

"I should have known."

"So should she." I commented, a slight bit of irritation in my voice.

Natalie sighed.

"Why don't you talk to her? Honestly I've never been around people who are so stubborn when they clearly belong together."

I chuckled softly,

"Oh see...I know we belong together. And you know we belong together...but it seems like she might need a slight bit of convincing."

"But she doesn't. She wants you. You're all she wants."

I raised my eyebrows while I poured two cups of coffee,

"Yeah? She tell you that?" Natalie nodded, "I wonder why she didn't tell me."

Natalie sat in one of the bar stools on the other side of the counter with a thud,

"Harry, she just..."

"Can't say it." I finished, "I know she can't. I've spent five years of our life together convincing myself that it was alright that I was always the one who had to start anything and always the one who had the level head and always the one who...felt more." I shook my head, "But it's not." I rounded the island, leaning against it with the coffee in my hand, "Look, I'm not saying she has to worship at my feet...tell me how wonderful and perfect I am every second of the day...but everyone wants to be wanted, Nat. And all I needed was for her to meet me in the middle."

Natalie stared up at me. I knew she understood. Natalie and I had always had an understanding that maybe others didn't get.

She took a breath,

"I hate it when you do that." She said as she took a sip.

"Do what?"

"Remind me that men aren't all bad."


Natalie left about an hour later. She apologized for thinking the worst of me, I apologized for not calling more often. And then I went back to the main house to get some work done. I was proud of myself for actually partaking in the renovation on this house rather than just letting the contractor do it. Home improvements weren't exactly my strong suit but with a few lessons, I was building walls, removing walls, and hammering in dry wall with the best of them.

It had given me something to focus on rather than sulking. I honestly didn't know how much longer I could take it and hammering in nails gave me a good release.

I had given the crew the day off. They'd been working so hard I thought it would be a gesture of good faith. Some time with their families before we finished the rest of the walls and got started on the real renovations.

It was nearly noon before I knew it. I was pouring with sweat in the spring heat. I grabbed a bottle of water as I walked towards the front window of my master bedroom. I peeled my shirt off and set it down on some scaffolding one of the painters had been using. 

 That's when I saw the car pull up.

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