Chapter 30

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I couldn't believe my ears. I wanted kids as much as she did. The two we had were spectacular beyond my wildest dreams and I had no doubt this one would be as well but I would not risk her life for more. I didn't care what the percentages were.

I tried to control the eruption bubbling up inside of me. I was Harry Styles after all. My whole existence was girl power and women's liberation...but holy shit every molecule in my body was begging for a release. I also needed to keep her calm. Now was not the time for an argument.

I took a breath,

"Ok." I said carefully.

She shook her head vehemently,

"We agreed on this already."

I stopped, my eyes blinked rapidly. She shook her head,

"Don't look at me like I'm crazy."

"I can't help it." I blurted out without thinking.

She looked just as shocked as I did. I shook my head as I walked to the end of her bed. I stopped and turned to her,

"Elizabeth," I began. I tried like hell to organize the thoughts flying through my head, "We agreed on a number."

She nodded,

"Yes. We did."

I raised my eyebrows,

"An arbitrary number that means nothing."

"It means everything." She said as if I'd just told her I hated dogs or something, "We settled this. We agreed on four and that's what we'll have."

I shook my head as my anger got the best of me,

"Are you...out of your fucking mind?" I asked through gritted teeth. Her eyes widened.

In our time together I had always been able to easily tell when we were about to have an argument. My stomach tied into knots and my heart beat so fast it took my breath away. Judging from the fact that I could barely get air into my lungs, this was gonna be a doozie.

I gripped the end of her bed with my hands so hard my knuckles turned white, "You would risk your life? Your health-"

"Don't be over dramatic." She said with a wave of her hand.

I pointed to the door,

"Did you hear what he said? Because I did. And he said your life as well as the life of our baby could be at risk."

"COULD Harry...he said COULD."

"That's not enough for you? Because it's enough for me!" I yelled.

I heard voices outside of the door and I quickly quieted down. I released my grip on the bed just slightly,

"Elizabeth, this is insane." I said as my eyes met hers again, "I will not risk your life for another child."

Her eyebrows almost raised up off her forehead and I knew we were rapidly going downhill,

"YOU will not risk my life?" She asked, her own voice raised, "And just how are YOU going to stop it? Are you gonna refuse to have sex with me? Because you and I both know that will never hap-" She stopped, her face scrunching up in pain as she sucked in a breath through her teeth, "Shit!" She whispered as she grabbed her belly.

I was instantly at her side. I rubbed her lower back until it passed,

"Alright, alright..." I said softly as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, "We'll talk about this later."

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