Chapter 26

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Meetings were the worst part of my career. They always seemed to triple in size and frequency just before I was about to do something. I supposed that made sense but I still hated them. I felt like most of what we talked about could be in an email but Jeff always wanted me around to give my blessing.

I had signed on to be in another movie. Two actually. I had a shitload of music floating around my head but there was no way I was leaving now to go on another tour. I put my thoughts down on paper or voice notes on my phone so when the time came again I wouldn't forget anything. But for now, music would just have to wait.

I parked my Range next to Elizabeth's BMW in the front driveway of our house. Elizabeth had taken the week off specifically so we could spend some time together. Since the firm had been so successful and our house was now knee deep in renovations, it seemed like we hadn't had a moment to spend together that didn't include some type of tile sample or a fundraiser. I had been less than excited about this meeting getting in the way of our week together but it did afford me the opportunity to run an errand while I was in the city.

I smiled as I walked through the front door. The house was actually starting to resemble a house now. All the windows had been replaced. The brick on the outside had been power washed. The grass and greenery had grown in nicely over the last month giving the house a more homey feel. The only thing left to do on the outside was stain the newly built back deck.

The insides were coming along as well. The master suite had been completed just before Elizabeth's time off, we'd moved in a few nights ago. The screened in porch just needed flooring. The kitchen was nearing completion, all we needed was the backsplash installation. The rest of the house would be done by the end of the next month.

I tossed my keys onto the front table. The surround sound system hadn't been installed yet but I could hear music coming from somewhere,

"Elizabeth?!" I called out, laughing to myself when it echoed through the front room.

Never in my life did I expect to have chosen to live in a house like this. But now that Elizabeth was here and it was almost done, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Everything about this place screamed "home" to me.

"On the back deck!" I heard her call out.

I made my way to the back, loosening the tie I'd put on as I did. Suits and ties weren't really my style for meetings usually but the director of one of the movies was coming in for my earlier meeting and I wanted to look like a professional.

I stepped out of one of the four sets of french doors that led to our backyard. Elizabeth was sitting on the deck wearing shorts and one of my old t-shirts. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, a few hairs had escaped to frame her face. She was sponging stain onto the deck, as I walked closer I could see two other squares next to the one she was working on, one lighter and one darker.

I sat down behind her, stretching my legs around her and scooting in as close as I possibly could,

"We could pay someone to do this." I pointed out as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her ear.

She shrugged, but kept sponging stain,

"I wanted to make sure we got the right color. Only way to do something right is to do it yourself."

I smiled. I loved how involved she'd gotten with putting this house back together.

In the month since we'd been a couple again, Elizabeth's transformation had been miraculous, to say the least. Our relationship had grown so much stronger that some days it even shocked me. However, it didn't ever seem to shock her. Elizabeth was focused and organized and the strength she displayed while doing everything left me awestruck. I always knew she was amazing and brilliant but now I felt like it was ok to admire that.

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