Chapter 18

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I didn't look at or talk to anyone as I left the party. I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. I made a beeline to my car.

With each step, my resolve crumbled and if I didn't get out of there as quickly as possible I was going to turn around, walk back into that room and take Elizabeth up against that wall.

Once I got into my SUV, I locked the doors and I dropped my head into my hands. I took deep breaths in and let them out.





I did the right thing. I could feel it in my bones, but that didn't make it any easier. Being in her presence, feeling her just brought it all back like a raging river. Any progress I'd made in getting over her was gone the moment my eyes met hers.

I glanced back at the building. I contemplated going back in. I forced myself to turn the car on and pull out of the parking lot. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. But I couldn't allow myself to walk back into that building. I had to stick to my guns. Elizabeth needed to tell me what she wanted. The ball was in her court.


It was moving day. Well kind of. The main house was still a disaster but the guest house was good enough for me to get into and live for a few months until the house was done. I glanced at my mother as she unpacked all my silverware in the small kitchenette at the other end from where I was,

"Don't unpack it all." I commented, "Just enough so I can eat a few meals."

She nodded,

"Do you want the closet unpacked as well or are you going to handle that on your own?"

"Probably best if I do it myself. I won't be unpacking all of that either."

She went back to organizing the kitchen,

"Any ideas on when the house will be fixed?"

I reached out to take one of the boxes after emptying the last one I'd been working on,

"Well..." I grunted realizing the box was heavier than I'd expected, "The contractor got to work last week on just emptying all the rubbish out of it...seems squatters have been using it for awhile."

She turned to look at me as I spoke,

"I think he has a couple weeks worth of work ahead of him. I'm trying to hit the outside and landscaping while he handles the inside with his crew."

She leaned her elbows onto the counter,

"Any ideas?"

I gestured out the window towards the house about 500 feet away,

"I need to reface the pool...get some concrete guys in here for the deck and patio." I held my arms out, "And then a nice plot of grass for...dogs..." I stumbled, "" I finished softly.

My mother looked at me with such worry I could actually feel it,

"Harry..." She said softly as she rubbed my shoulder.

I hadn't really spoken to my mother about what had happened with Elizabeth. But she knew something was wrong. My mother didn't push me to talk to her though. She squeezed my arm,

"I'm proud of you."

I turned to look at her,

"Oh really?"

She leaned against the couch,

"Yeah. Very much so. You are redoing this house...and all your music and movies." She reached out to take my hand, "You deserve good things, My Love."

I looked down at our clasped hands. My mother would always be on my side no matter what but I also knew she liked Elizabeth. Moreso she liked what Elizabeth did for me. I was calmer, more focused and grounded. I wasn't swayed by outside forces that had always worried my mother when I was in the band. It wasn't that she felt Elizabeth was a stand in for her, just that she knew I made Elizabeth a priority and kept myself together when she was around. She would never say it for fear of upsetting me, but I felt like my mother was just as upset that Elizabeth was out of my life as I was sometimes.

I sighed,

"I can't call her, mum." I finally said, "She has to make the decision. I can't convince her she should be with me."

My mother understood, her eyes softening as she lifted her other hand to rest against my cheek,

"She will." She assured me.

I found myself hoping,


My mother smiled up at me, the kind of smile she always gave me when she was reassuring me as if I was nuts to even question it,

"Elizabeth may have her issues..." She said as she stood up to return to her organization in the kitchen, "But she's no idiot."


I found myself enjoying my time alone in the guest house after my mother left for the evening. It was peaceful and calming and with all the windows and doors open allowing the night breeze in I could clear my head.

It lent itself to some of the best lyrics I'd ever written, I thought. It helped me to organize my thoughts in my head.

I was as in love with Elizabeth as ever. Seeing her at the party had proven that. I had reserved myself to a few things in that regard.

First, I wanted her back. I felt like we weren't done. We had so much more to do together. We were stronger than this.

And second, I was so angry with her I could barely breathe when I thought about it. She had lied to me. She'd given up on me. On us.

She'd kept things from me. She'd thrown us back to our first days in Ibiza when she didn't trust me at all. After five years of being together, the fact that she'd lost that faith in me was more than just a slight disappointment.

But one thing was for sure, I needed to get comfortable with the anger. I needed to allow myself to be angry. No guilt or second guessing myself. If I didn't get comfortable with it then I wouldn't ever make her answer for it.

If I ever got the chance to, that is.

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