Chapter 12

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I had no idea where I was going. I think I stood on the sidewalk in front of Elizabeth's building for a good hour before I finally moved. It's a good thing New York is full of people who don't really pay attention to much. I assumed the taxi driver knew who I was. All I said was to bring me to a hotel and he pulled up in front of The Plaza.

I managed to get myself a room without anyone seeming to realize that my entire world had shattered.

Once in the room, I sat on the bed and I stared at the floor.

I felt like everything had stopped. Even though I knew very well it hadn't.

I went from being warm to cold and then back again.

My heart was beating so hard I was sure I was going to have a heart attack.

I still hadn't made sense of anything that had happened in the last six hours.

Elizabeth and I had our share of problems but nothing I would've ever thought would have pushed her to cheat on me. I felt like we had good communication. Had being the operative word. Considering she became unhappy so quickly, I was apparently gravely mistaken.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.


I just kept turning it over and over in my head.

His face.

Her face.

His hand.

Her hand.

Her shock when she saw me.

His confusion when he heard me accuse her of cheating.

She seemed thrown when she got into her apartment. Something was off though I didn't know what. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong and it was making me insane. I'd always been so in tune to Elizabeth.

If I was honest with myself, I hadn't been able to feel her at all since she got back from Montauk.

What happened? Where had I gone wrong?

I was driving myself insane going over and over everything in my head.

I reached into my back pocket for my phone. I booked the first flight out of New York for London the next morning. I texted my sister and my mother to tell them I was coming home.

And then I curled into a ball and I squeezed my eyes shut, begging for sleep.

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