Chapter 10

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I woke up on the floor of my bedroom with a raging headache. When I finally did make it into the bathroom, the mirror told me exactly what I thought it would. My eyes were puffy from crying myself to sleep. My face was red and splotchy. I looked like death.

I braced my hands on the counter, sighed out a deep breath and I hung my head. I wasn't proud of my behavior the night before. I could have definitely handled it better and with more dignity. But I wasn't regretful for why I was angry.

However right or wrong I may or may not have been in my reaction didn't figure into my thought process. My cheeks still burned with the humiliation of Harry's proposal the night before. Out of every fantasy I'd ever had surrounding how we might decide to get married, that was hardly it. I just felt so...humiliated.

I finished my shower, did my hair and makeup after getting dressed and then I walked into the kitchen. Harry was sitting on the couch, staring down at his journal. He looked up as I walked in but I kept my eyes forward.

If I saw any pity or sorrow in his face at all I would lose my grip. And I needed to get to work without any major emotional breakdown.

I heard him walk into the kitchen but I kept my eyes on my coffee as I poured it.

"Elizabeth..." He didn't continue but the tone of his voice indicated an apology was coming.

And out of everything in the world I wanted to hear right now, an apology was not it. I shook my head,

"Harry, please..." I said softly.

I was so close to tears.

He took a step forward,

"I'm scared." He said softly, his voice quivering a bit, "I can feel you slipping away from me."

I had no words of comfort for him. To be honest, I felt it too.

I closed the lid over my coffee and I walked past him without looking him in the eye,

"I can't."

He followed after me, watching as I put my coat on and grabbed my things,

"I know." He answered.

I glanced at him long enough to see him slide his hands into his pockets,

"I won't be able...dinner." He started, "I have a...meeting."

I shook my head,

"I have..." I stopped, "A client...dinner."

He nodded,

"Alright. I love you." He said as I turned to the door.

I didn't say it back as I pulled the door open and walked out.


Court today was not exactly where I wanted to be. Standing in front of Judge Robicheau while he looked at me as if I'd just shot a puppy was about as nightmarish as it got. Especially today. But Luke insisted I argue our position today. It's what I'd been preparing for all week. I just had to get through this one thing and then I'd be able to hand it off to Luke.

Michael reached out to hand me a paper with my talking points on it. I didn't think I needed it, I'd rehearsed this speech so many times I knew it like the back of my hand. But Michael knew the dangers of court and moreover he knew what it was like to argue in front of this judge in particular.

Luke rushed through the courtroom doors. He slipped his jacket off,

"Are you ready?"

I sighed out a deep breath,

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