Chapter 5

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Chelsea decided on the restaurant, which was usual. She and Danielle seemed to already know the place, both ordering the moment we sat down while the rest of us scrambled to find something suitable. Once everyone ordered and the waiter was gone, the table fell silent.

One of two things was brewing. Either everyone was trying to avoid the subject of Ashley and Brooks or everyone was trying to figure out how to bring up Harry and I without it sounding fake or like they were fishing for information. Regardless of the subject, I sure as hell wasn't going to bring up either conversation so I stayed quiet.

Chelsea finally took a breath,

"I was thinking we hit the spa after this. I think we could all use some rest and relaxation."

We all agreed with a nod of our heads. The rest of lunch was eaten in virtual silence. Ashley and I caught each other's eyes while eating. I could feel her gratefulness at not being the only one at the table who was avoiding the conversation turning to them. While she and I hadn't had a whole lot in common in college, we sure did now.

Chelsea treated us all, whipping out her husband's black AMEX the moment the waiter returned with the check. I had to shake my head. She was always so concerned with making sure she was number one as far as income potential.

By the time we were at the spa I just wanted to relax and forget about everything. I sat back in the chair, ready to let someone start massaging my feet and painting my toenails. I opened my eyes when I heard someone take the seat next to me.

Ashley smiled as she pushed herself to the back of the chair,

"Not bothering you, I hope."

I shook my head, glancing around the room,

"Where are the other girls?"

Ashley let out a deep sigh,

"Something about sitting in mud for half an hour? I had no desire...mud...gets places." She finished softly.

I chuckled lightly and rested my head against the back of the chair,.

"How are you?" I asked earnestly.

She shrugged, her hands placed in her lap,

"Every morning I wake up, the weight on my chest gets a little lighter." She looked down at her hands, "I'm hoping one day it won't be there anymore."

I studied her for a moment. Sure, Ashley and I had never really been that close but I felt closer to her now. It was hard being the odd man out. At least now the two of us were on equal ground.

"Ash..." I started, "I'm so sorry about you and Brooks. I know you really loved him."

She nodded,

"I did." She looked up at me, "I do." She took a breath, "Would I sound pathetic if I said I don't want a divorce?"

I turned to look at her as she rushed on,

"Brooks and I were always supposed to make it. It was the plan. We both agreed." She shrugged, "But past that...I can't imagine my life without him." She looked back down at her hands, "I lay in bed at night and I imagine what our kids would look like. His brown blue eyes..." She sniffed, "I don't wanna let that go."

"Have you tried telling him that?"

She shook her head,

"I don't know how to even...start."

I bit my lip. I could relate. There were a million things I wanted to discuss with Harry that I just could never find the words to say. I shrugged,

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