Chapter 4

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I put off packing as long as I could once Harry and I returned to my apartment.  I felt such dread in the pit of my stomach for this vacation and I couldn't figure out why.  Sure, Danielle and Anisa would probably end up in some kind of fight by the end of the weekend but I had survived worse between them.  I just didn't wanna go.  I wanted to stay in my apartment with Harry.

But even he was pushing me to go.  He knew how stressed out I'd been at work and he wanted me to have fun with my girlfriends.  I knew he was just being a caring boyfriend, but it didn't stop me from pouting about him trying to get rid of me.

He came in from the bathroom after having packed my toiletries.  He tossed the bag into my suitcase and then wound his arms around me from behind.  I turned my head when he tried to kiss me so his lips landed on my cheek.  He sighed,

"Still mad, I see."

I shook my head,

"Not mad."

Harry shot me a look that I could see out of the corner of my eye.  I had been trying to wriggle free from his grasp knowing full well he was far too strong for me to fight off.  I finally stopped,

"It just feels like you wanna get rid of me."

Harry narrowed his eyes at me,

"You know very well that is not true.  You need a vacation from all of this and while I would love to come you need some uninterrupted girl time."

"You just got back from tour..."  I said softly.

Harry turned me so I was facing him.  He caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger,

"Elizabeth, there is nothing more in the world that I want than to keep you in bed all weekend."  He raised his eyebrows, "You know that, right?"

I wanted to hold onto my pout but I did know that Harry wasn't trying to get rid of me.  He'd spent far too long trying to land me for that.  I frowned and reluctantly nodded my head,


He squeezed me a little tighter as he brought his mouth to my ear,

"I promise...I'll make up for lost time."  He said into my ear, his voice thick.

My thighs clenched together.  When he pulled back to look at me there was no mistaking the love and desire in his eyes. 

I nodded,

"I'll hold you to it."  I answered, trying to sound as seductive as I could.

He pressed a kiss to my mouth,

"Finish packing.  The girls will be here in ten minutes."


I didn't want to pout all weekend about being away from Harry.  I wasn't 15 and this wasn't my first relationship.  I was a professional, dammit.  I could be away from my boyfriend for three days without pouting about it.  Not to mention, Anisa and Danielle would never let me hear the end of it if I did.

So I decided to make the best of it.  These girls were, after all, my best friends.  We spent a lot of time together learning about life and love and at one time they were my lifeline.  Reconnecting with them would be good for me.

Chelsea popped her iTunes on and once we had a steady stream of late 90s pop music filling the car, I felt a bit of the stress I'd been under wash away. 

I had to hand it to Chelsea, the house she'd rented was beautiful and right on the beach.  I felt my chest loosen as soon as we got out of the car.  Anisa came out after me, her hands gripping my shoulders as she let out a squeal,

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