Chapter 23

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Driving up to the house, I had to check the address written on the paper at least three times. It was very obviously under construction or maybe it wasn't. The entire yard was mud that looked like several big trucks had driven through. I could see through the half broken windows to the inside.

One thing was for sure, Michael was right, it definitely needed some work. I contemplated turning around and going home but something about this place intrigued me. It looked like something out of an old movie. The entire structure outside was brick, giving it a regal feel. I had always wanted to live in a place like this.

I reached for the front door, relief flooding my body when it pushed open easily. I stepped inside and an instant calm washed over me. Whoever had owned it previously or owned it currently seemed to be in the middle of an extensive renovation but I could already see what looked to be absolute perfection inside.

I took a few steps inside, my head turning in all directions as my mind raced with all the different things I could do to this place if it was mine.

And oh...I wanted it to be mine.

I walked towards the back wall, lined with french doors across the entire thing. I could see the pool and a small guest house in the back. It also looked as if landscapers had done a good job of cleaning it up.

Michael was a genius.

I was momentarily broken out of my thoughts when I heard what sounded like footsteps above me. There were no cars outside when I drove up, was someone here? My eyes widened.


What if it was a squatter? Or an animal?

I was just headed back to the front door when I heard thuds coming down the stairs. Those were footsteps, no doubt about it. Someone was here.

"Hello?" I called out, my heart thundering in my ears as I looked around for any kind of weapon should I need it.

But it turned out I wouldn't need it. I saw the tattoos first. In full view, glistening with beads of sweat. My eyes traveled up to the neck and the head attached to it.

My heart was thundering now for a completely different reason.


He looked about as shocked to see me as I was to see him,

"Elizabeth?" He asked.

We both stood there for a few seconds, processing what was going on. My mind felt completely detached from the rest of me.

I swallowed,


He set down the hammer in his hand on a table full of tools that I somehow had completely missed,

"What are you doing here?"

I nervously joined my hands in front of me,

" assistant Michael...he's been looking for a place for me...since I moved here."

Harry's eye widened,

"You live here now?"

I nodded,

"Guess we didn't really...get to that part...last time we saw each other." I took a breath, "Moved here a couple weeks ago."

"To head up Roland's firm..." He finished.


Another awkward silence. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. He looked so goddamn good and all I wanted was to run into his arms.

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