Chapter 2

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Chelsea Walters would never frequent any eatery that was less than five stars. I knew that when she texted me the details for Ai Fiori. Harry felt bad for having ditched our plans so he gave me his credit card to pay for my lunch, otherwise I would've told her to suck it up and find a Chipotle somewhere.

As I made my way to the table behind the hostess I was greeted by the grinning faces of Chelsea as well as three of our other college friends. Danielle Johnson, Ashley Farraday and Anisa Lawrence.

Danielle Johnson was president of our sorority and when we were in college she made sure everyone knew that. If she could've walked around with a sign and made it look cool, I'm sure she would have. She was petite but curvy and the type of girl who ate whatever she wanted and never gained weight. On a ski trip in Aspen, she met the president of Leland Records, Kevin Johnson. They were married three months later. She was now heavy three kids and four houses scattered across the world.

Ashley Farraday was an intellectual, meaning she turned her nose up at everyone and everything. She was always trying to school everyone and her favorite two words were "educate yourself". Still, she could drink like a fish and she was always the life of the party. I ignored her holier than thou attitude. She met Brooks Farraday at a Woman's march our junior year of college. He was already a civil rights lawyer. He made his money taking the cases of many high profile civil rights cases...and winning. Over the years he'd become the top civil rights attorney in the country. Ashley was an activist and on the board of many organizations dedicated to bettering the lives of the disenfranchised. I admired her despite her pretentious attitude.

Anisa Lawrence and I had been the closest being that our ambitions were the same. She was a lawyer too. She'd married Malcolm Lawrence and started a firm with him straight out of college. Never one to have anything handed to her, Anisa and Malcolm worked their asses off. Malcolm and Anisa's notoriety improved greatly when one Barack Obama enlisted their help during his campaign. They were now personal friends of the former president and highly sought after for their legal advice in all circles.

They all screamed when I walked in, causing everyone in the restaurant to turn around and look at me. I gave them all awkward hugs and quickly took my seat,

"Good to see you all."

Chelsea smiled,

"Finally. After five years of trying to get you to come to Boston."

I reached forward to grab my napkin,

"I just...I'm busy."

Anisa frowned,

"Busy fuckin'."

Chelsea and Ashley both gasped. I was quite sure the word "fuck" was not frequently used in this establishment but that didn't stop me from busting out in laughter. Leave it to Anisa. She shook her head as she spread her napkin out over her lap,

"Girl, if my man was that hot, I'd be busy fuckin' too."

Chelsea glanced at the curious eyes around us,

"Can we...not use that word?"

Anisa rolled her eyes,

"I'd be busy on my knees then." She corrected herself.

Chelsea let out a frustrated sigh,

"Anyway..." The smile quickly returned to her face, "You're the last one of us to hit the big 4-0. Are you excited?"

"I haven't really thought about it."

It wasn't a lie. I hadn't thought about it. I'd been far too busy with my case and well...fuckin'. Anisa may have been crass but she was also right.

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