Chapter 13

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"Flight 258 direct from New York to London boarding at gate 8C."

I quickly tucked my phone into my purse and reached over to grab my bag. I couldn't wait to get on the flight. I couldn't wait to get to London. I couldn't wait to leave everything here behind and forget about everything. This was my new chapter.

I had to hand it to Roland. He insisted on booking and paying for my flight and it was first class/five star all the way. Planes usually bothered me but I was actually looking forward to this flight.

I was just getting my bag onto my shoulder when I heard my name. There was no way anyone here knew me, so I chalked it up to someone else being named Elizabeth and I made my way to the plane.

My area was small but looked so cozy. The seat laid out into a bed and I had my own small TV. It looked much more comfortable than the people being loaded into the back like cattle. I sat down in my chair and set to situating my things,

"Didn't you hear me calling you?"

I looked up to see Michael standing above me, slightly out of breath and annoyed. I instantly pulled my eyebrows together,

"What are you doing here?"

He shrugged and gestured to the seat across from mine,

"A British gentleman called me a few days ago. Name was Roland Sanders. He said he was under the impression I was of some importance to you so...he offered me a job."

I felt my heart leap in my chest. While I had been happy to leave my old life behind, having Michael there to support me through settling into my new one gave me a slight bit of comfort.

Not to mention, leaving Michael at my old job was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. He was not only my assistant, he was my friend. Maybe my only one now.

He sat down in his seat as he pushed headphones into his ears,

"Alright, I'm going to sleep. I'll talk to you when we land. Only wake me up if they offer free booze." He said as he turned onto his side and promptly fell asleep.

I felt myself smile. It felt odd and foreign and I realized it had been the first time I'd smiled since Harry had walked out my front door.


Michael stopped in front of the hotel room door next to the one I was standing in front of. He reached forward with his cell phone in hand, a large smile spreading over his face when the door clicked and unlocked,

"Living the high life now." He said to himself.

I snorted out a laugh, shaking my head as I unlocked my door. He turned to me before he walked inside,


"I dunno, can you stay awake long enough?"

He shot me a dirty look,

"Hey, I was called at the last minute and spent all night packing."

"Dinner would be great." I agreed.

He glanced at his watch,

"Alright, lemme get settled and make some phone calls? Downstairs restaurant in an hour?"

I nodded,

"Yeah, see you then." I answered as my door swung closed.

I turned around to see the hotel/small apartment behind me. Roland had insisted on booking all of my accommodations, so far everything had been the height of luxury and this room was no different. A small-ish room with a couch, love seat, coffee table and HUGE TV was what I walked into first. A small kitchenette was to my left. A bedroom with a king sized bed and a bathroom that was the size of a small bedroom was to the right.

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