Chapter 20

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I heard the hard pound of the heels of Gemma's boots on the hollow planks of plywood the builders had laid down for subfloor. I looked up as she crossed the great room, shaking her head along the way,

"This place is a death trap, Little Brother."

I nodded,

"We're a little behind schedule."

She raised her eyebrows as she looked around at the construction site I was currently living in,

"A little?"

I sighed as my eyes rolled,

"What do you need, Gem?"

She lifted the heavy bag on her shoulder to sit on the table in front of me,

"Don't kill me...I was in a home improvement store with a friend and I saw this amazing tile." My own eyebrows raised as she struggled with the bag. She pulled out a few samples and laid them down in front of me, "I thought this would be great in the bathroom."

I studied the tiles in front of me. I don't know what happened or why I felt such an annoyance that Gemma had brought me this tile. It was beautiful and probably would have fit perfectly. It was modern yet vintage and definitely along the lines of something I might have chosen. But I shook my head and pushed it away,


Gemma's smile faded,


I went back to studying the plans in front of me,

"No." I repeated.

I knew she was staring at me. I was shit at hiding anything, I knew she could see everything written all over my face.

She reached over to take the tile and put it back into her bag,

"Fair enough. I shouldn't have overstepped."

I felt like an asshole. She was only trying to help and here I was completely shutting her down. I tossed down the pencil I was holding,


"Harry, we all know what you're doing here...and who you're doing it for. And to be honest, I love it. It's the most romantic thing I've ever witnessed." She shook her head, "But instead of denying it and insisting you aren' her. Find her. You can't put your whole world on hold like this because you're scared of the answer she'll give you."

I stared back at her. My sister had always had a knack for nailing me and my emotions and also for not letting me mask them or deny them. I'd always admired it. It was one of the things I'd always admired about Elizabeth too.

"I can't." I answered finally.

"Why?" Gemma insisted as she rested her hands on the table, "You love her."

"I do. But I can't talk her into wanting to be with me. It has to be her choice. She has to want me the way that I want her."

Gemma stared back at me for a bit. I could tell she was studying me. After a moment she nodded,

"I get it." She pulled the bag back onto her shoulder, "I hope you get what you want, Harry. Because..." She looked up over the house, "If not...this was a really expensive therapy session."

She leaned over to kiss my cheek before turning and leaving me alone.

I stared down at the plans in front of me. My head was spinning. I had never admitted to myself the reasons I was doing all of this. I could deny it no longer.

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