Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning feeling far more different than I had the previous morning. I was hot and sweaty and had no inclination to move at all with Harry close into my back and his arms wrapped around me. I tried to ignore the fact that I still had a case to work on and depositions to go through. However, the constant buzzing of my phone on the nightstand made that impossible. Harry let out a deep sigh,

"Seems Michael is in crisis mode." He mumbled, his voice scratchy with sleep.

I nodded,

"Big case..." I said as I turned around to bury my face into Harry's chest.

He tightened his arms around me,

"Do we have time for a shower?"

I pulled back to look at him,


He quirked his eyebrows,

"Save water...ya know...environmentally responsible and all that."

I smiled, reaching around for a generous handful of his ass,

"Sex in a shower is super uncomfortable." I pointed out.

He laughed out loud,

"That shower is the size of a small bedroom...besides..." He said, his fingers slowly ghosting down between my legs, "There are other kinds of sex that are super shower friendly."

My head tipped back when I felt the pads of his fingers rubbing me gently,

"Harry..." I breathed.

We never made it to the shower. He made me come twice right there in the bed. I returned the favor, swallowing him down my throat until he moaned my name and released all over his lower stomach. At least one thing was for sure, I would be far more relaxed at work for the day.

He pressed his mouth to mine as he pulled my jacket on my shoulders,

"Do you have time for lunch today?"

I shook my head,

"I don't. I'm sorry." I popped my mouth against his, "But dinner, for sure."

He nodded,

"Done. I'll make something spectacular. Is there a certain time I should make sure it's ready?"

I checked my watch to see the hour hand had just passed the seven,

"I should be able to get out by 6..."

He smiled, the kind of smile I loved to see, so wistful and content and happy. It was just a quick reminder of how much he loved me,

"I'll have dinner ready to go then, My Love."

He kissed me again and then sent me on my way.


Harry delighted in sending me dirty text messages most of that morning. I scolded him a few times but secretly I loved it when he was in that kind of a mood. It meant that things would definitely be fun when I got home. Due to the stress I was under because of this case I was on, a little relief when I got home was always welcome.

Michael ran in with another deposition he'd just been handed,

"Hey, Luke just gave me this."

I sighed,

"Great." I tapped a response to Harry's last text message and quickly tucked my phone away.

Michael let out a soft giggle,

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