Chapter 9

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I was physically at work, but I couldn't focus on anything.  I read briefs and depositions two and three times and I still didn't know what they said.  Thankfully, everyone else was so busy that no one seemed to notice.  Michael left early for a family get together and by 5 pm I was alone in the office. 

I looked down at my cellphone which might as well have been a brick for all of its activity.  Apparently my irrationality from earlier that morning was gone now.  I couldn't be mad at Harry for not calling or contacting me...I wouldn't have answered if he had.

In the middle of my irritation, my phone sprang to life.  I didn't recognize the number, but I answered anyway,

"Elizabeth Murphy?"

"Elizabeeeettttthhhhh, Roland Sanders.  How are you?"

I smiled,

"I'm good.  How are you?"

"I'm great now that I'm off the plane and in my hotel."

"Where are you?" 

"New York.  Came here for some meetings."

I felt a little weird that he was calling me, usually he had a reason,

"Sounds interesting."

"Are you free for dinner day after tomorrow?  I have something I need to discuss with you."

And there it was.  I nodded,

"Sure.  I should be free for dinner."

"Great.  I'll send you a text tomorrow with a time and a location, will that work?"


"Great, can't wait to see you."

We made small talk for a bit longer and then hung up after he had another call come in.


An hour later I was tired of trying to force myself to work.  I knew when I got home I would have to face Harry but I was going to have to do that anyway.  Might as well get it over with. 

I pushed the door of my apartment open.  I was greeted with silence.  I couldn't deny I was slightly frustrated but also slightly happy.  It meant I could relax a little bit before I had to get into battle mode.

After what seemed like the longest shower ever, I made my way into the kitchen to make some dinner.  I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving.  Halfway through some leftover spaghetti, my phone rang.  I grabbed it to see my mother's face blinking back at me.

I rolled my eyes and tapped the answer button,

"Hello, mother."  I said, unable to hide the annoyance in my tone.

"So you are alive?"

I sighed.  I knew she was irritated.  I hadn't spoken to her since my birthday party.

"I know I've been MIA."

"MIA to the woman who gave you life, dear."

I nodded,

"I'm sorry."

"How are you doing?  Eating well?  Getting enough sleep?"

The difference in my mother over the last five years had been remarkable.  I don't remember the woman ever asking me if I ate well, yet it was a normal conversational topic between us now.  Her emotional unavailability was gone.  Mine, however...

"I'm fine.  Eating fine.  Sleep..."

She laughed softly,.

"Well, with Harry around I guess you can't have everything."

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