Chapter 28

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It was the evening before I was to marry the love of my life in the backyard of our home. My vows were written on a piece of paper folded neatly on the inside pocket of my black suit. The tent was set up in the backyard awaiting chairs and place settings and centerpieces and a dancefloor. Our ceremony would be held in a small grove of trees, hidden away from any prying eyes. I had hired some security to make sure paparazzi couldn't get within a mile of the house. My mother and sister had left hours ago after dropping off Elizabeth's dress and their dresses.

And that was it.

In less than 16 hours, we would be married.

I made my way through our house, finished and renovated, all but the nursery which was well on its way. I locked all the windows and doors and I set the alarm. Elizabeth thought it was overkill with the gate but I wouldn't have anyone making it through our front door without some kind of notification. Especially now that we were expecting.

I leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom, watching while my love lotioned her legs and hands. She smiled to herself, a small shake of her head,

"You just gonna stand there staring?"

I smiled,

"Every night for the rest of my life if I'm lucky."

She looked up at me, her eyes gleaming back at me,

"Sometimes I wonder if you're real." She said as she stood up and crossed the room to me.

She slid her arms around my waist, lifting herself up onto her toes to pop a kiss to my mouth, "And then I get to do this and I'm reminded you are."

I raised my eyebrows,

"No cold feet?"

She shook her head,

"Nope." She lifted her thumb to run over my newly minted mustache, "You're shaving this right?"

I smiled,

"You really hate it don't you?"

"Hate is a strong word."

"I think it makes me look distinguished."

"It makes you look like an extra from Dazed and Confused."

"Great movie." I said as I lowered my mouth to press against hers, "I'm going to shave it now." I said against her mouth. She squeezed my ass before turning to walk away,

"I'll reward you tomorrow." She said as she sidestepped me to walk into the closet.

I made my way to the vanity, reaching up with my electric razor to shave the mustache. There was no real reason for growing it other than to prove to myself I could so shaving it off was no big deal.

"Think we made a mistake..." I began after shaving half of it off, "Staying together the night before the wedding? Michael was appalled."

Elizabeth walked out of our closet, snapping the light off,

"Michael is appalled by just about everything. He was insistent I stay at his place tonight with Nat and Ashley." She walked up behind me, her arms winding around my waist as she laid her cheek against the back of my shoulder. I felt her sigh out a breath, "But there is nowhere else I'd rather be than right here."

I finished shaving, tucked my razor away and turned around to pull her against my chest,

"Glad to hear it." I kissed the top of her head, "How are you feeling? You were looking a little green this morning." I pushed her hair out of her face as when she looked up at me.

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