Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Schemes

Ru Huo looked at Ru Xia's round eyes and the cold glint in her eyes grew even colder.

"Open them." The maidservants immediately brought forth the boxes onto the sandalwood table and simultaneously opened them. The box to the left held a few letters and the one to the right of it held a few small bags made with linen cloth.

"Da xiaojie!" An old man then entered and bowed briefly before looking around and noticing the tense atmosphere in the room.

"Xu Yuyi*, please inspect this box." The old man looked at the box that was pointed to and picked up a packet before sniffing it. His face turned grim and he sat on a small stool placed beside the table.

(* = Used to refer to a physician)

He spread his instruments and carefully cut open the packet. He made sure not to touch any of the contents inside and sniffed again. He frowned again before waving at the maidservants to take the packet away. Seeing the maidservant leave quickly, he held onto her wrist.

"Don't touch the contents and burn it outside the Fu in a remote location. Make sure to cover your mouth and nose when you do so and run away as fast as you can. Understood?" The yatou's face turned pale but nodded and rushed away.

Ru Huo, seeing Xu Yuyi's seriousness frowned. Seeing Ru Huo's inquiring gaze, Xu Yuyi sighed.

"Da xiaojie, this servant is unsure where someone was able to find such a potent drug but it is highly dangerous. It is a strong aphrodisiac that blocks all rationality, even if the person practices martial arts or has internal strength. However, once consumed, the partner that the affected shares relations with will be unable to conceive. This kind of drug, cannot be found at a normal pharmacy since it is highly illegal. Can this low physician inquire where one was able to find this?" Hearing the verdict, Ru Huo's face turned pale and the shaking hand at her side was enough to show her anger.

Ru Xia's face, when she heard the physician's words paled and her two hands formed into fists from anger.

"Bring me the letters." A maidservant stepped forth to pick up the letters when Ru Xia turned violent.

"You dare touch the personal belongings of the Si xiaojie of legitimate birth?" Without giving a chance for the maidservant to reply, she flung a slap that caused the yatou's face to redden right away.

"Ru Xia! That is my maidservant and she is under my orders to bring those letters. You dare think you are better than the Da xiaojie? You dare think you are better than a titled first rank gongzhu? You dare defy my orders and hit my servant?" Looking at Ru Huo's dark expression, Ru Xia's confidence withered visibly.

"Come, restrain the Si Xiaojie and slap that yahuan ten times." Pitiful cries rang around the room as the yahuan was slapped brutally. Ru Xia was restrained and made to kneel on the ground, glaring at Ru Huo hatefully.

"Bring me the letters." Once Ru Huo read the contents of the letter, she flung them to the ground angrily and pointed a shaking finger at Ru Xia.

"You dare poison the Crown Prince with aphrodisiac? Are you begging for death? What, you wanted to backstab this da jie?" Ru Huo's words chilled everyone to the core. Although this da xiaojie didn't have internal strength, wasn't proficient in martial arts nor knew how to poison someone, her aura was chilling, like King Yama. A yahuan that dared to take a glimpse at Ru Huo trembled before looking down again.

"Is the promise of Furen not enough for you? Is the respect you were given as di daughter not enough in this houyuan? What, was it the servants? Did they abuse you? Did this jiejie ever wrong you?" Although every word was now inexplicably calm, every word spoken caused listeners to feel bone deep fear.

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