Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Favored Xifu

Upon Ru Huo's arrival at Dongfang Fu, the Housekeeper greeted her respectfully. Ru Huo brought the Housekeeper to her Flowering Lilly Pavilion and ordered a yatou to bring Tong Yiniang.

Ru Huo brought out the records, accounting books and the Furen Seal. By the time Tong Yiniang arrived, Ru Huo had arranged everything and given instructions to the Housekeeper.

"Muqin, Huo'er prepared everything!" Tong Yiniang's smile widened once she heard Ru Huo's call of muqin and gracefully sat down.

"Ru Huo has talked to Song Fu and the Empress already. Thus, from now on, muqin is Dongfang Furen of first rank. This is the Furen Seal, muqin will need it to approve shops and deal large amounts of money." Tong Yiniang nodded and accepted the seal.

Once Dongfang Furen fully understood the accounting books and records, she ordered a yatou to bring it back and ordered all the yahuan to leave. Ru Huo directed her gaze at Dongfang Furen in a questioning manner but didn't stop her.

"Huo'er, about Ru Xia... what are you planning on doing with her?" Ru Huo noticed the resentment mixed with pity in Dongfang Furen's eyes. As much as there was hatred and resentment for Ru Xia because she had destroyed Wou You, she was unable to be cold hearted or cruel due to the fact that she was the late Dongfang Furen's daughter. Once she understood, Ru Huo adapted a docile expression.

"Muqin doesn't need to worry much. Although she committed such a crime, Huo'er is reluctant to be heavy handed. However, there must be a punishment. So tomorrow, Ru Xia will leave for Qingshan temple with Hong Jue. There will be no allowance and she must copy 10 scripture books each day. Once she is of marriageable age, she will return and be married into Huang Taizi Fu immediately. Dongfang Fu will cut most connections with her once she is married." Tong Yiniang pondered the severity of the punishment for a moment and nodded.

"Although she is pitiful in her own way, I cannot easily forgive her for her deed towards Wou You. However, since the punishment is neither dooming her or letting her off easily, I can leave the matter up to you with a light heart." Ru Huo smiled and nodded.

"Muqin doesn't need to worry. Tomorrow, Ru Huo will see Ru Xia off and two days later, we can visit Bai Furen." Tong Yiniang nodded and left upon seeing how tired Ru Huo was.


Ru Xia looked up at the beautiful yet cold women in front of her with sorrow, hatred and fear. Such emotions stemmed from years of torture and neglect; the years of built up and bottled feelings.

How was it fair that they were born from the same mother yet recieved different treatments? How was it fair that Ru Huo had the opportunity to become Empress yet she didn't? How was it fair that Ru Huo was favored no matter who was in control of the Fu? Why? Why was she always neglected?

With a glance, Ru Huo was able to tell the questions and anger within Ru Xia's heart and she crouched down in front of her. Once Ru Xia saw the enlarged face of Ru Huo, she struggled violently to stand up. However, ropes restricted her to kneeling and a few mamas were holding her in place.

"Ru Xia, do you know why? It is because I was used by Li Yiniang that I was treated well by her. It is because I was able to stand my ground and know my boundaries that I am able to be favored. It is because I take what I deserve and don't yearn for things that are not mine in the first place that I am not neglected. Because fuqin, jiu jiu* and jiu ma are aware that I have matured." Ru Xia sneered upon seeing the self righteous face of Ru Huo.

(* = Brother of mother / Maternal Uncle)

"Ru Xia, do you know where you went wrong? You should not have schemed against me from the beginning. People I hate most are those who scheme against me. No matter if you are my blood related mei mei, I will not spare anyone who posed a threat to my life. Moreover, you should not have schemed for Zhen gege; he is not yours in the first place, and will never be." Hearing those words, Ru Xia collapsed and her eyes dilated as if she saw a ghost.

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