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Leaping over a fence, her hands brushed over the rough texture of the wooden gates, adrenaline coursing through her veins

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Leaping over a fence, her hands brushed over the rough texture of the wooden gates, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The moon stood tall amongst the soothing velvet veil, the only thing that lit up the familiar course she was taking was the jewellery that dotted the sky. Trees ruffled against her slick footsteps as she found herself tracing her fingers over the same brick wall she was finding herself seeing more and more lately.

Colours blended together to create a masterpiece only to her eyes; the yellow, red, orange, contrasting the bland brown of the wall. A clatter of a lid was the start to her limitless creativity. From spraying a blooming flower to a skull that was painted with death, rules were never a restriction to her.

The law was dumb; confined and useless. Rules are there to keep people intertwined between the chains of reality when the desire for freedom was too hard to get. It was a hierarchy where the almighty wears the crown and the powerless wears the rags, because society only gave the gold to the ones who lived comfortably.

In this society where people were defined by their title of supernatural creatures, whether demon or angel, one will always waltz upon the clouds and one will always drown in the heat of hell. Demons were despicable because they were framed that way, and angels were compassionate because they were shaped that way.

Its the rules

Rules and regulations of who you were born to be and who you must carry out in the future despite the changes of your future. It doesn't matter what your dream is or what your desire to become is, it's about what you were born to be. Royals will always be born as royals and peasants will always need to take the harder route.

That's the thing, demons and angels aren't meant to get along. Hence borders of injustice was placed as a reminder of this rule; angels on one half, the demons on the other. That's the way it always is, and always will be. No demon should come in contact with an angel, there will only be bloodshed if one even tries. Merciless creatures were one unworthy of the idea of love, and tender species were one unworthy of the idea of violence.

There was no in between

Hyun Haneul, a title of a demon yet blood of an angel. A demon-like angel who busts into the angel quarters only to destroy their infrastructure for the use of her own pleasure. Breaking and vandalising their property to fill that desperate need for exhilaration.

She was a demon to the crowd, and that was the only way she will ever title herself. She's not an angel, not one that inhabits kindness and emits empathy. She kills for her hunger and seeks for the smell of blood. She was born into a family of white wings and only truth and happiness, yet none of that ever changed her ruthless behaviour. No matter what, she was not an angel by anyone's standards, and if one dares to even claim her as one, she'll rip them apart.

She lived like this until the dangerous age of 18, not a single utter of her true self actually being a species that she won't ever fit into. That was an issue, there was nothing she could change about her blood. As much as she rebels, no one had the abilities to fully change her into the species her heart belonged to.

She won't ever be able to spread out black, menacing wings and never be able to have fangs that scrape against her bottom lip. She won't ever be able to suck the life out of humans nor ever be able to scare away someone with a single darkened eye. Even if her heart was that of a demons, nothing she could do was able to mask up the fact that angels will always be angels, and demons will alway be demons

So she tries everyday, to break apart those standards, to try to do everything she can to turn into one that lives in hell. Her 'pranks' were getting out of hand and they were't simply hurting someone, they were torturing them.

She won't ever be able to kill someone without an eighth of her heart pulling her away, and somehow that eighth of her heart was stronger than every other inch in her heart. It had so much power that even with upmost desire, it was able to pull her back.

Now her only goal was to kill someone. Not just anyone. She needed a standard to prove she was worthy to belong in a place that fulfils her. She'll do anything, anything to reach that goal. And her target has already been set.

Kill someone from the demon realm, one of power and authority.

That was the only way she was going to be able to turn demon, to commit sins that everyday demons could never even envision.

She needed to kill them to become them. Because as the old motto goes...

Only the powerful win

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