xv - royal diamonds

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Waking up soaked in black paint was one thing, finding her body lying down on her apartment's couch was another

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Waking up soaked in black paint was one thing, finding her body lying down on her apartment's couch was another. Her head pounded with incoherent messages as distortion came out of her mouth, her head supported by her head. But as soon as she felt this sticky substance now stamped onto her forehead, she ripped her hand down to see it drowned in a gooey black mess.

She didn't even have time to process when the door was pushed open and Renjun had stepped into the room, his eyes fixed onto the girl laying in a puddle of ink.

"Haneul what is..." He refrained from dropping his bag of groceries

"Don't ask, I don't know either" she pulled a face of disgust, pulling herself away from the mess "I'll clean it up"

"But Haechan is-"

"Don't even mention that devil's name in front of me" She shook her hands, clambering into the bathroom to wash it all off. She knew Haechan was responsible for the reason she was covered in black paint, so now she was beyond furious at how sick of a prank this is.

"Haneul-" Renjun heard the bathroom door slam, his eyebrows rose high up in shock "And i thought they would look good together" Renjun shook his head, placing the groceries down before going over and knocking on the bathroom door

"Haechan wants you to fulfil your promise!" He called, reciting the words Haechan had told Renjun word by word. Haneul threw the door open, her eyes shooting daggers at Renjun "I don't make promises with people like him"

"But he said..." the ombre headed pointed to the exit of their apartment block

"I don't give a damn what he says" and she threw the door closed once again, the running of water becoming the only thing balancing her heavy heaves of anger.

"Well i told her" He let out a light whistle "She just didn't listen"

Haechan was just about as ticked off as a nuclear time bomb right now

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Haechan was just about as ticked off as a nuclear time bomb right now. His feet bounced against the floor as he waited impatiently for the girl who never showed up at the pastries store, making the demon himself wait 20 minutes for her arrival. Yet, there was not message, no phone call. just an empty gust of wind that left Haechan furious. His tongue had ran along the inside of his cheeks multiple times as the chatter in the classroom was becoming like 20 mosquitoes flying in his ear.

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