xxxiv - because its true

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Her hand left his, their feet stepping into the protection of neon lights strung together from each corner of the wall

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Her hand left his, their feet stepping into the protection of neon lights strung together from each corner of the wall. Little lavender petals sprinkled across the floor as their feet flattened the ones that cross paths with them. The background tune was the quiet winds, and the silent crunches under their feet.

"You missed a spot" She pointed to a bare patch on the ground. But when she whipped around to look at him again, he seemed to be reciting words to himself

"Donghyuck" She smiled as his eyebrows rose in shock.

"huh?" His eyes glittered with anxiety

"You missed a spot" She kicked the petals a bit so it covered the odd circle

"Oh" He gulped "Oops". Her eyes fell over the graffitied wall again, fingers tracing each brick indentation "Since when were you obsessed with me?"

"Obsessed isn't the right word" Haechan followed her, a distance away as he was scared he was going to disturb her peace

"Engrossed?" She suggested, picking up the black can of paint on the ground that was evidently lighter than it was the last time she was here

"Engross and obsess are practically the same word"

She shrugged "Care to explain where my paint went?"

"On the wall"

a can was flung in his direction.

"Hilarious" She walked around to admire the effort he put into this. Candles were also neatly placed in clusters, the flames wavering ever so lightly against the faint wind. There was no source of light apart from the candle, the fairy lights and the stars, making it dim with an aura that could lure anyone in

"Do you like it?" He trailed behind her as she paced circles around the sight

"Well the fairy lights are kind of crooked and you didn't cover the ground evenly-" a hand caught her wrist, spinning her towards him.

"Is that so?" He smirked "I'll make sure to do better next time"

"You're talking as if there will be a next time" It was the end of the three day period, the time sitting around 11:30 at night where the owls were alive and the night animals made earth their playground

"Ouch" He muttered, one hand in his pocket "I have a gift for you"

"You better" What really made their relationship special, was the fact that they weren't afraid to joke. Despite it being such a romantic type do gesture, they still never missed an opportunity to tease each other.

"I bet you don't have one for me" His hand was still securely around the object in his pocket, his fingers shaking out of fear

"You got me" She was planning to just get him pastries or something. Haechan crinkled his eyes in an eye smile, pulling out a small velvet boxed with golden patterned metal rimming the corner of the box. It looked much like a small treasure chest, the opening hook designed with a delicate crystal tear.

"I'm about to perform a really cheesy move, are you ready?" This is his way to ask for consent, and Haneul had to agree even if she didn't want to.

"I'll make sure to gag on you if it's too cheesy" She blinked as Haechan's hands wrapped around her body, the velvet boxed snapped open and the fine jewellery icily scraping her skin.

"Relax, I won't hurt you" His voice ran hoarse in her ear, as she felt his skin against her neck, the subtle sound of a click cueing that he was about to lean away. His hands dropped from her neck, falling to his side as their eyes met, Haneul's finger going up to clasp the jewellery around her neck

"This is..." She looked down at the necklace, an intricate wing shape gem hanging on the hook, with a wire stemming from the middle of the wing in which a circular pearly white gem was attached to it. The wing itself was black, the indentations specific and without a single flaw. Every indentation was done to point, to a point it was even realistic

Haechan reached inside his own shirt, and pulled out a matching necklace, though his one was white, with a black gemstone attached to the head of it instead of a wire.

"I think you got it mixed up" She attempted to unclip hers to change it with Haechan, but he chuckled, stopping her

"I didn't get it wrong" he took her hand off her necklace "Even if you're blood belonged to a family of Angels, you're heart is one of a demon."

"What, are you saying you're an Angel?" She couldn't help but laugh at the white-silver wing around his neck

"Oh shut up" He whacked her hand away, the two letting melodious laughs ring out in the night "And by the way, I designed it"

"I can tell" She joked, Haechan narrowing his eyes at her

"Is that meant to be a good thing or not" He rolled his eyes. It was silent for a bit as she admired her own necklace, Haechan steadying his emotions for his speech to come.

"Haneul" His voice shook, Haneul looking up at him with the necklace between her fingers. She hummed in a reply, Haechan giving himself a mini pep talk before continuing

"I know we don't match and we probably shouldn't be together because of...many, many reasons. But feelings is something we can't restrict right? I uh, just want you to-" and a kiss was placed on his cheek. His eyes widened, Haneul taking several steps backwards to mask her reddening cheeks.

Haechan scoffed, grabbing her wrist in his hands, her body effortlessly coming around to crash into his.

"You can't just leave me after that" He kept her wrist close to him, so that she could feel how erratic his heart was. In a never ending thrashing storm, his heart never stood calm and poured like a waterfall endlessly and harshly

"Watch me" She tried to tug her wrist out of his grip playfully, putting little effort in as she knew herself she didn't really want to run away, she had no where to run to anyways. Plus, seeing Renjun after she used all her tuition fees to pay for her rent was only going to create unneeded arguments

"Run Angel" His face drew closer "Run away from me". He knew her weakness, and he could read her like a sheet of liquid paper.

The clock struck 11:59

"1 minute left of this nonsense" She rose her eyebrow

"30 seconds" it was a clear their eyes shared the same message





and just like that, his lips had so lightly touched hers.

12:00; midnight

It was soft, and gentle, with no excess hunger or greed because it seemed like he knew she wasn't going to run. Testing out the waters was a phrase that can be used to describe the situation, but he didn't need to test out the waters when her eyes closed simultaneously and her own moulding with his.

"Ah you do such crazy things to me" He muttered once leaving for a breath of air, it was short lived when their lips reattached for a sincere kiss under the companion of the velvet skies. The magical atmosphere created a fairy like essence sprinkled to construct a silenced world. The petals frolicked as the winds thickened, the gushing of wind sweeping the dandy flowers to a side.

The light beams pigmented the ground a translucent dim yellow, and the hands of the wind clasped the candle, covering and extinguishing it with its bare hands. The night was long, and healthy, perfect for the two.

Haechan set fire to the world around him, but he wouldn't let a flame touch her.

But then again, no one expected an angel to set the world on fire.

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