viv - are the stars real?

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"Wow you're so boring" She pointed out at his finished artwork

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"Wow you're so boring" She pointed out at his finished artwork. It was a motorbike outlined with black, and that was all it was. No colour, no soul. It was just a bike

"You got a problem?" Haechan scoffed, pointing at her one "yours just looks dumb"

"You look hideous" She shoved him on the arm

"If i look hideous, then you must be really bad" Haechan dodged another flying fist "Can't believe you're an angel, just look at those hits"

"Can't believe your popular, just look at that attitude" She mimicked, grabbing the cans off the floor to pack away in her portable container that she left in the shrubs right next to the building

"I can't help that people love me" Haechan shrugged, waiting for her to finish packing up everything before heading out of those alleyway

"Did you bring your motorbike?" She asked, scanning the road for any sign of a vehicle

"No, this is like a 2 minute walk from school" Haechan factually stated, Haneul shaking her head as she lead them to the nearest bus station "casually gets blood on you're uniform and expect to not get caught. You ain't playing no Yandere Simulator" sarcasm was one of her favourite tones to use

"I'm a demon of a rich family, i do what i want" Haechan leant against the pole and Haneul went and checked the schedule. It was really late at night so she didn't really expect any busses to be coming

"But when humans see that" she eyed the blood stains on his white uniform "they might think you're a psycho and i'm your accomplice"

"Wouldn't that be lovely" Haechan chuckled, watching her finger trail down the list of times the busses come around

"Don't you have a blazer or something to cover it up" She groaned at the lack of times on the schedules

"Clearly, you're wearing my blazer" Haechan pointed out, his straightened out navy blazer around her shoulder. Don't get them wrong, it wasn't really a gentlemanly act. She had stolen the blazer off him because she was cold, not because he offered

"Funny" She voiced "No one wants your blazer anyways" she slipped the blazer off her, chucking it at Haechan.

"there's a bus coming around in like a minute, this'll be the last one for the day" she commented

"We're going on a bus?" Haechan asked, earning a 'are you serious' look from Haneul

"Yes we're going on a bus, what else would we be doing in a bus station" this caused Haechan to glance around him, indeed they were in a bus station but he may have thought it was like a stall or something

You know, the ones with horses

"I thought it was just some dodgy shelter to avoid the rain" Haechan clearly has never been to a bus station or even on a bus

"I didn't know rich people were this petty" she glanced at the bus that was now approaching

"I'm not getting on that, it's human infested" the demon backed up, taking a seat in the bus station

"Do you have a choice? Not really now get the fuck on" She grabbed his arm, yanking his up the stairs. Slotting some coins in, she gestured for Haechan to hand her some coins.

"My slave should pay for my expenses" Haechan smiled cockishcy at her then came around to see at a 2 people seat. Rolling her eyes, she slotted a few more coins in to pay for Haechan's ride. She couldn't quite believe someone as rich as Haechan refuses to pay for a bus fare

(In this world, you are only allowed to pay cash for night busses but you need to pay by bus card in the day...this is only to make the story make more sense)

Making her way to where Haechan was sitting, the bus suddenly jerked forward causing her to lose her grip on the pole. Flying forwards, Haechan bolted out of his chair out of instincts, grabbing the pole she was holding as his arms snaked around her waist so that she would fall onto his chest rather than the bus seat.

Her hands bundling his uniform out of pure safety, her head hit his chest with a soft thump as the bus stabilised once again

"I swear this happens all the ti-" Glancing upwards, she noticed two dark eyes staring right down at her, his arms still unmoved from around her waist. As soon as their gazes connected, a pang of realisation hit Haechan

Do her?

It was such an obscure thought. A demon actually falling for an angel. It was nonsense. Haechan dated people, a large amount of people but never has he ever thought of being serious with one. A relationship that actually meant something to him

It's going to be another fling

She'll die soon enough

"I uh" She quickly took her hands off his chest, sliding into the seat Haechan was previously in "sorry"

Haechan took a seat next to her, ridding off all the unexplainable thoughts whirling in his head. Haneul stared outside into the blur of darkness, her heart pounding for an unknown reason. She's had crushes before, but never ones that were like Haechan. She had liked those with great personalities, top of their class and incredibly nice to all beings. But that was all in the past

She had forgotten what it was like to truly devote your time to someone

The two didn't speak a word, their occurrence fading in and out of their mind as they sat silently yet comfortably in the night bus. Buses were always nice when it's deserted. Haechan kept his eyes on the robotic words that panned across the side of the bus, making sure he didn't miss his stop. He's never been on a bus before, so it explains why his eyes never left the words

Maybe he was too focussed on the whole text thing, that he didn't know when a head fell onto his shoulder. Feeling an extra weight on one side, he turned to see a mob of hair facing downwards.

"Are you serious" He scoffed, placing two fingers on her forehead to push her head back from falling. Keeping his fingers there for the rest of the ride, he continued to keep his eye on the text that scrolled past. He tried to refrain from taking glances at her, but every so often he would lean his head down to leave a guilty look at her face full of tranquility.

"You do such annoying things to me" Haechan sighed, his fingers becoming numb at the amount of time he had to hold her head up "Is it bad to savour a victim?"

But he knew, his demon instincts mean more than the way his heart beat

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now