xxiv - mightier than the mightiest

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The rain thrashed against her body, her hair matt to her head, her body frozen in spot

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The rain thrashed against her body, her hair matt to her head, her body frozen in spot. Everything seemed to zone out, the delicate thrashing off the liquid daggers thrashing down at very bit of her flesh. Her heart halted, her hands fell out of a ball, each drop of rain rolling down to ripple against the ground.

"Now let's just see how much of a demon she is" Haechan's father laughed wryly, Haechan's eyes shooting to him. He didn't know what to do, after all, there was no way he could hide a pair of wings.

She was absolutely torn, not for the fact that she was soaked in rain, but the fact that she was manipulated by someone she had only thought as a rich bullying the poor. they've shared their happy times together, but now, it all seemed like distant imagination


Her body staggered forwards at his voice, the streaks of hair becoming thicker ones with floods of liquid draining from there. She could feel it: that horrid nausea that hits her when all she could feel was numbness and a void of sickness dunked on top of her head. Haechan knew this, but he also knew, even if he had stepped forwards, his father would have killed her there and then.

Crashing to the floor, Haechan winced at a whimper that left her lips, his body stiff with his fingers balled up

"Make...argh!" She cried, a wryly laugh executing from in front of her

"I've seen people pretend to be someone else, but never an angel that pretended to be a demon" His father chortled, crouching down in front of her lip body, the feathers beginning to emerge from her back. Somehow, everytime she was dunked under the rain, she felt each time's pain heighten. This time was worst than the last, and so on

Haechan don't you dare move He chanted in his own head, his feet dug deep into the concrete it'll risk her life

Her palms met the wet concrete, her flesh skimmed against the stones, her breaths becoming shallow. If they didn't know she was turning into an angel, it would've looked like she was dying.

"Look at me Demon" His father, placed a hand on her shaking shoulder "Show me who you are". She shook her head agonisingly violently, throwing her body backwards so that her arms leant down, her eyes wavering with gold spirals around her irises. There was no denying it anymore; she was an angel

"Father, that's enough" Haechan forced out through gritted teeth, but he never reached in front. He wanted to, so horribly bad, shield her away from his burning eyes, yet he knew if he had even made a move, he was risking her life. In front of his father, he was a dog, following behind him while listening to orders and if disobeyed, there would be no treats.

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now