i - crowns aren't made of bronze

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School wasn't tough, it was just annoying

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School wasn't tough, it was just annoying. Having to wake up early everyday only to find out that the teachers will always be 15 minutes late to class without an apology. There was something about teacher that pissed Haneul off, perhaps it was the fact that the school makes them seem mightier than they actually are, or perhaps it was their every action and movement that seemed to always tick something off in her

They were someone who made a student get punishment for being 3 minutes late to class but also never apologise when them themselves are 15 minutes late.

No one dares to speak back to them because they were seniors, no one not even her. Teacher had the worse punishments, and she would rather avoid that in the best of her abilities. She was a rule-breaker but not someone who would waste their words on something she'll never remember for the future. She valued justice and was debatably someone who wouldn't hurt an innocent, well, only if they don't hurt her first.

She had one goal and one goal only: to become a demon.

Attending a demon school while being an Angel had its perks. She would walk past teenagers who shared off who's wing was bigger, and who's were darker. She had been challenged a couple times, but would always only walk off. She wasn't scared of losing, it was the fact that her wings were nothing, but white.

Dragging her feet along the carpet, she was met with a group of teenagers who pushed through the long lunch line to get to the front. Scoffing, she tried to drain out all their obnoxious chatter, holding down her temper. What was even worse was that she was next in line, resulting in the group of demons to appear right in front of her. She could bear this much, until one line snapped something in her

"They're weak, they won't go against us" the voice was low with a unique tone to it. It was a males voice, but despite it being male, she wasn't afraid. Snapping her head up to meet his smug smirk that analysed the fearful being saround her, she shoved his shoulder and pushed in front of him without a single word.

The whole group seemed to freeze, all their eyes boring into the smaller girl. She was short, but nonetheless fierce. An audible scoff left from the same voice behind her, his eyes digging threatening holes into the back of her head.

"Look at me" the voice behind her asserted, his voice wavering with anger. Haneul slowly turned around to face him, her eyes not getting weighed down by his presence. Her eyebrows cocked up almost provokingly, the corner of her lips lifting up.

"Do you have a death wish?" The male's essence screamed dominance, his style dark and unforgiving. His hair was dyed a peculiar grey, shiny skull piercings on his ears and anything that basically blatantly wrote 'death'. An eyebrow slit added onto the intimidating effect along with his darker skin that contrasted his friends. His eyes dripped of flaming honey, an unbeatable aura in the way he pushed his tongue to the inside of cheek in a sign of irritation.

"How'd you know?" Her humoured masked up her slight hint of fear. She had never seen someone so dominating before, yet this man was gave the impression that he actually wasn't someone she should be messing with. Though, a little too late for that now.

"Don't underestimate me, i can rip you into bits within a second" The male took a step closer to her, his face edging closer all the same. She didn't back down, she didn't even shift backwards in the slightest.

"You think you're above everyone right?" She stuck a finger to his shoulder, giving it a provoking push "Powerful and strong and everyone has to bow down to you. Sorry, but those who don't speak justice are nothing. Weak and incapable, it's time you know that"

She could tell he was beginning to get scarily angry by the second, his hands balling up into a fist. The male blinked painfully slowly, heavy breaths fanning onto her face.

Ah i miss this adrenaline

She couldn't even help but smirk, but let's just say this didn't really help with the case.

"Touch me again and i promise you, that pretty face of yours will be painted red" the male took a step even closer, though this one made her stumble back just a bit. That's the thing, just a bit. Phones were beginning to be whipped out of everyone's pockets, flashes blinding her sight. But none of that affected her, it never did.

"Haechan, come on. Just leave it" one of his demon friends had taken a step of bravery towards the argument, but his voice seemed to drain out of both the girls and the boys heads.

Haechan, what a surprising name

Pulling together her courage, she lessened the space between their faces even more, till the point they could be mistaken as kissing. Her face was almost level with his, but that was slightly an issue as they did have a certain height difference.

Her only solution was tip-toeing, hoping he wouldn't notice the sudden rise in her height. It seemed to her that Haechan was too focussed on killing her with his gaze than everything that was going on around him.

The name Haechan caused her to chuckle, spit flying out onto Haechan's face. At this moment, the crowd around them all gasped as he slowly wiped off the spit that stained his skin.

"It's too late to run" the thing about demons was that it was hard for them to control when they're wings come out and in, and their wings were usually spread out at night, not during school. So anyone who can successfully makes their wings appear on command was someone with undefeatable power.

Enclosing them with his atramentous wings that could be called elegant if they didn't have such a demonic aura, he went for her neck. His grasp tightened around her neck, causing her to lose all the breath in her lungs. She didn't actually think he was going to kill her, right here right now, but she wasn't necessarily scared either.

"Lee Donghyuck!" A voice filled with authority bellowed over the chaotic atmosphere, causing Haechan's grip to loosen from her throat. Coughing for breath, she glared at Haechan through the corner of her eyes. Retracting his wings, Haechan eyed the principal that was strutting down the corridor, causing frantic students to bow.

"Don't you call me that" Haechan hissed at the older male, his gaze just as intense.

"My office, now" the principal hollowed, gesturing for Haechan to follow him as the two took slow strides to leave the scene. Not before the boy whipped around to face Haneul for the last time, his gaze reading

I'll make sure to kill you

And next time, you won't escape

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