ii - are you brave?

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Lee Donghyuck

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Lee Donghyuck

Lee Donghyuck

A name that haunted him ever since birth. A name that meant tenderness; the name made for kind and empathic beings. Something he was not. He belonged to the darker side of things, his heart a demon at its finest. There was no one that can truthfully say he had a soft heart behind the hard shell, because truth be told, he didn't. He was cold, stubborn and merciless, towards any beings that dared to even touch him.

Speeding through the night time roads only lit up by the sparkling of the stars, he sat firmly on his motorbike for the soul purpose of feeding his hunger. He skidded past the traffic lights and found himself parked in front of an abandoned playground. This had the most passer-bys with the easiest targets, hence why it was the place he fed off humans the most.

He swung himself off his bike and slipped his helmet off, his feet taking him to hide behind a wall, waiting for his victim to come. Just as expected, his victim fell right into his trap, casually strolling on the road. With one ruthless grab, the young female let out a gut wretchling scream, blood soon dripping down the innocence's shirt, her head becoming limp within a second.

Humans crossed between angel and demon 'realms' with no knowledge of such creatures, only innocently going on with their day. Demons didn't usually feed off humans in the fear of getting caught, they fed of manufactured blood, similar to how humans eat processed foods. Though only those brave and fierce enough would kill mercilessly, Haechan being one of those.

Thrashing the human to the side, he felt his urge for hunger grow. Fresh human blood had a way of making Haechan turn even more devilish than he was. He came from a family with riches and wealth, as they were work partners with the rulers of the demon realm, therefore Haechan had a silver spoon in his mouth his whole life. He wouldn't admit it, therefore going against any family morals and bringing shame to their reputation. He didn't care, he just wanted to live freely

Everyone feared this specific demon, knowing he has powers almost as strong as the demon king and as merciless as a murderer with no constraints. He was one to be feared, and he liked the thought of everyones fear.

He lived for the fear

Haneul was walking along the border between the realms, tracing her fingers along the unbreakable gate. This was also the place Haechan was now feeding off unknowing humans. Her eyes shifted to the demon, eagerly waiting for his pray, his wings spread out in an intimidating form.

She was going to get on with her day when she saw at least 3 dead humans beside him, a loud scoff leaving her lips. She hated the fact that innocence were killed for the rich, therefore her heart burned with anger. Haechan pissed her off an unhealthy amount, and she wishes that someone like him shouldn't even be allowed to step foot into Earth.

"Stay in hell" she rolled her eyes, noticing his shining motorbike parked a fair distance away from him. Smirking, she silently walked towards him bike and muttered words that gave her unknowing power "take this as a revenge".

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