xxxviv - win

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"What?" She said a little too loudly to be considered suited to this situation

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"What?" She said a little too loudly to be considered suited to this situation.

"We don't have time, just do it" Haechan urged, eyes locked on his fathers

"You know what happens if I rip off your wings!" She shot back "You're going to die!". Haechan rolled his eyes, grabbing her hands to place them on his feathers. She has never properly touched his wings before, and it felt like hell and heaven at the same time.

"Father" Haechan yelled over the rain "Watch carefully"

Haechans eyes shot to Haneul and for the first time, he saw fear. Her hands seemed to tremble against his malicious wings, beckoning for her to do the unthinkable. She was so sure she was capable of murder, until murder stood right in front of her.

"I'm not going to do it" She tried to take her hands off, but Haechan was adamant

"Do it Haneul, please just do it" He was begging at this point, and his fathers hungry eyes didn't make time slow down

"Why?! I'm not going to kill you!" She continued to stumble back, Haechans mouth mouthing curse words upon curse words

"He'll kill you. He's watching." He glanced around his father "Don't do it in the next 10 seconds and he'll know you're scared"

"I am scared! For gods sake I'm not going-"

"Haneul just fucking do it!" Haechan screamed, desperation fuelling his body "Trust me, death isn't scary"

Her eyes flew towards Haechans fathers stance. He seemed to relax, knowing she was pathetic. But he was still wary, that if he took a single step towards Haechan, she'll end his own son

"You need a sin to become a demon Haneul. Rip off my wings and my father cant kill you. Hasn't that been your life goal?" Haechan looked right into her expressionless face, reading her eyes like an open book.

"Don't be scared, just listen to me" Haechan took another step back as Haneul's hesitance gave a cue for Haechans father to continue.

"I'm not going to kill something precious to me! I-" She glanced between the advancing male and Haechan

"He's going to kill you"

"Then let him"

"Haneul" He looked at her with little insincerity "I won't live another day if you die in the hands of my family"

His father paused his walk, eyes widened and grip tightening.

"You're not going to kill him Haneul" His father smirked, knife held up once again

"Stop!" She wanted to escape. She wanted to escape from a decision she could never make

"Hyun Haneul please"

Words circulated in her head on end, the decision too heavy with burden to be made. Her hands clasped around her ears, head filled with thoughts that fought for justice.

"Forgive me"

And the following gut wrenching groan followed right after.

"No!" It was his fathers voice, the rain slashing down on the contrast of her wings against the black veil. There was a silent clatter that was drowned out by the hammering of rain, and the voices in her head that told her not to look

But she did anyways, and wished she didn't

There lay on the ground, one of Haechan's black wings that littered with feathers. It blew like dust, the moon casting a beautiful paint of silver over the block. That wasn't the bit that hurt, it was the sight of him, in pain yet a smirk on his face, his back streaming blood that coloured the pool of rain water, red.

" no" It didn't come from Haneul, in fact, it came from his father. His father had dropped everything, eyes widened at his own son squirming beside the girl who was knelt beside him in just as much pain.

"Donghyuck" She clasped his face, drained of his usual essence

"Hyuck...hyuck" She shook him, his eyes laying in weary pleasure "Please stop smiling!" She wanted to cry, but it only blended in with the streaks of rain that rolled down her face

"You did good" His hands trailed up to clasp gently across her cheeks, then trailing to her wings that began to diffuse with little particles of white.

"Shut up! Donghyuck oh my god" She tried to look for anything to help him, anything. She even glanced at Haechans father in seek of help, but his eyes on widened at the sirens that blared above the pours of rain.

"I made your wish come true" He chuckled, his eyes flashing vibrantly with red

"I hate you, so much" She placed her hands on his chest, attempting to perform CPR. Though, Haechan pulled her down with his remaining energy, and their lips attached.

It was the most painful kiss they've ever shared, one on the bridge of breaking down and the other, glad that it'll all be over.

As soon as she felt his lips leave hers, she knew, it's over. She felt a burning sensation in her body, yet she dismissed it entirely as her wings had disappeared from her back without a single notice.

She couldn't understand how there were tears rolling down her cheek, but she still couldn't feel each droplet splash to drop effortlessly down Haechans face. His ever so honey like skin seemed distant, and with his soulless body, he lay unfazed with the lightest smile

She hated that he was smiling, and she hated herself for doing what she did. She had hoped it didn't turn out this way, but with the amount of pressure Haechan and his father put on her, it was inevitable.

She listened to him, for once

She would trade being his servant for the rest of her life over his death anyday, yet here she is, mourning over the sorrowful turn of events

The night had never looked darker, the stars had never shon so lowly. The moon never cried so pitifully and the clouds had never stood so still.

The rain stopped, and she could almost feel the moment that the last rain droplet fell, that her wish had come true, while sacrificing another life

Her life long dream, had turned into a pained scar in reminder of him

A demon dies at the loss of his wings, and an angel dies all the same.

This is why Angels and Demon, simply have no way in being together

All good things must come to an end, and perhaps she's finally learnt that

She'll forever live in the fear of his shadow

She was an Angel craving Chaos

He was a demon seeking peace

Yet, they both found home in the fear

of being alone.

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now