v - with the power of glory

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Today was 100%, not her day

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Today was 100%, not her day. She groaning over the fact that she had forgotten her bus card and she had to head off to her work shift. Busily shuffling through her school bag, she had more and more stressed by the second, desperate to find her card. But to no avail did it appear. 

"Today out of all days" she huffed, going through her wallet again. All of a sudden, a shoulder bumped against hers, sending her body to jolt forwards. A defeated breath left her lips, robotically turning her head around to meet two dark chocolate brown pupils, a mop of brain hair falling over his eyebrows.

"Not now, please" she stopped Haechan from saying anything, putting her hand up before continuing her scavenger hunt

"Idiots will always remain as idiots" He tutted, nodding to his friends that waved a goodbye to him.

"And jerks will always remain as jerks" giving up, she shoved her wallet back into her bag, connecting her gaze with his "it's the end of the school day, what else do you want"

Haechan paused for a second, blinking at her with new found curiosity "No one has ever stared into my eyes like you do"

It was true, no one has ever stared straight into Haechan's eyes without their gaze wavering. Her's was fierce, bold, powerful.

"They're black" she couldn't have stated that any less blatantly

"You amuse me Haneul" he kept his eyes on hers

"Yeah and you don't" She scoffed, deciding it would just be better to walk to the convenience store, although it was quite the distance

"Perfect to play with" he muttered under his breath, a devilish grin spreading around his lips. Haneul didn't quiet catch what he said, instead dismissed him willingly and began walking towards the store.

Pulling his helmet over the top of his head, he secured it on and swung his leg over his second motorbike. Yes, he had two bikes. Yes, he's rich. Starting the engine, he turned a corner and slowed his pace to match Haneul's walking one, very slowly driving along the road.

"Get on" He voiced, earning a disgusted look from Haneul

"Pedophile" She didn't even look at him

"Says you"

"I would rather walk 4km than get on a bike with you" that was a lie. She would much rather not be late to her first shift. And of course, this particular shift was just to cover the expenses for Haechan's bike

"Whatever suits you" He shrugged, fastening his pace. Haneul gulped, knowing deep down she had to get on that bike to ensure that she won't be late to her job interview, despite it only being at a convenience store.

"Yah Donghyuck" she forced out, and as if Haechan knew she needed to get on the bike, he stopped a few metres in front of her

"My angel would never bail on me" her giving in is his cue to start pissing the hell out of her. Trying her best to hold back a punch, she slid onto the bike, waiting for a helmet or something to be passed to her

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now