xvi - king and queen

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"You call yourself a man and you can't even take a chair to the head" She scoffed, helping him ice the back of his head as he iced his jaw

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"You call yourself a man and you can't even take a chair to the head" She scoffed, helping him ice the back of his head as he iced his jaw. The teacher had come in soon after Haechan hit the floor, and the adults dealt with it the adult way as Haechan was quickly escorted to the nurse's office

"I didn't see you helping much either" He grunted "You're not icing my fucking hair, it's lower down idiot"

Rolling her eyes, she pulled the ice way down until it skimmed over his neck, in which he jerked away at the icy touch

"Once I get a new phone, you're done for" He grabbed the ice from her head and slammed it against the swollen bruise.

"Yeah and I wonder when that's going to happen after being 20 minutes late to your family dinner" She retorted, pressing the ice pack harder against his head so his neck was almost snapped in the process

"If you don't have brain issues, do it properly" He gave her a glare she was already way too familiar with. Haechan has been sitting in the nurses office for up to 6 hours now as they were unable to contact his guardians and without their permission, there was no way he was allowed to go home. On top of that, Haechan refuse anyways, so he sat on the bed awaiting Haneul's arrival.

Of course, the only way Haechan got Haneul to come was through blackmailing. He had blackmailed her saying that he would immediately upload the message after he got a new phone if she didn't come promptly. There was a strange thing about her arrival; he was oddly anticipating it. Despite contacting her during lunch, he had sat on the edge of the bed for 2 hours, somewhat...anxious. He didn't quite know why nor would he ever confront it, but he knew, his heart was beating out of his chest when the handle had turned

And of course, they were back to their platonic bickering relationship

The bell's symphony rang in the room, relieved she didn't have to suffer under Haechan's command anymore. Plus she was looking forward to the basketball game that she was finally able to play with someone who's truly passionate about the sport

"Guess I have to leave little Hyuckie all alone" She lifted the ice pack off his neck, throwing it into his lap. Haechan cursed, instinctively grabbed her wrist as she was about to exit. She whipped her head around, unsure of why Haechan's grip was so firm around her wrist. He had never touched her in more an affectionate way if you could even call it that

"The uh..." His eyes darted around the room to buy himself some time "the food, yes the food"

"What is with you and food, I swear to god. First coffee now pastries, what's next, a whole premium sashimi?" She jerked her arm out of his grip

"You never bought me the pastries" Haechan dead panned "I hate broken promises"

"Well I hate you. Guess we're even now" She waved pettily at him "I have a basketball game to catch"

"Angel faked demon and lived in the demon realm for 18 years" He resorted back to his old ways "What a dashing title"

"Pastries and that's it" She pointed an irritated finger at him, bolting out the room so she didn't have to make Chenle wait for her.

He eyes fixed onto the clock in front of him.

"If I..." And a plan formed in his head

Running back into the nurses office, her eyes fell over an empty bed and two ice packs laying astray on the bed

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Running back into the nurses office, her eyes fell over an empty bed and two ice packs laying astray on the bed.

"Lee Donghyuck I swear to god I will kill you" She yelled. She had figured that his idea was to just disappear so that she had to take an extra effort in finding him. Though, Haechan was pretty easy to locate.

Storming into the gym, she spotted the two boys conversing into their own conversation. Her hand around the paper bag tightened as Haechan turned around with a fake adoring expression worn on his face.

"Your damn pastri-"

"Aw, you didn't have to" His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her body to fly towards his. Her eyes fell out of their sockets as she looked up at him with utmost confusion

"You went all the way to get pastries, what a nice Angel" He hand come around to lightly comb through her hair, his gaze fixed on her. Through his peripheral, he was beyond anticipating Chenle's reactions. Chenle was an open book, so it didn't take long for Haechan to sense that pang of hurt in Chenle's chest

"What are you on ab-"

"We should go get icecream! Lovely weather for icecream" He smiled, plastic basically building on his lips. It was freezing cold, mind you.

"Are you two..." Chenle pointed at the two who looked too close to be just friends



Their answers came simultaneously, Haneul burning holes in Haechan's face at his reaction. This wasn't the first time Haechan had called her his girlfriend, nor was it going to be the last time. She was already hating it, a little too much

"Can chairs give you concussions?" Haneul exhaled sharply, pulling Haechan's ear, hard.

"Sorry Chenle, but she's not in a very good mood. We'll see you later" He nodded a goodbye before grabbing Haneul by the shoulders and drilling her out of the gym

His arms dropped from around her as soon as they stepped out of the gym, Haechan receiving multiple hits to the head

"This is why no one likes you" She shoved him against the chest "I was going to have a basketball game!"

"Do i look like i care in the slightest" He murmured, folding his arms over as the two walked out onto the main campus

"You should dumbass" She gave him another whack. Perhaps Haneul was the only person he would let hit, punch, attack him. And he's not even stopping her

"I can report you for violence"

"And I can report you for sexual harassment" She groaned out in frustration. She was really looking forward to that game with Chenle

"What's so good about a basketball game" He scoffed

"Why" One kick "must" another kick "you" and again "ruin" a jab "everything" and she stalked out of the campus with the bag of pastries thrown at Haechan's feet.

Picking it up, he noticed the unusual weight of the paper bag. It only took less than a second for him to realise there was a rock in the paper bag with a sticky note attached to it

I hope you enjoy your croissant

He couldn't help but laugh how childish her revenge pranks were. His appreciation for her joke was cut short when an unsettling text from Jeno brought Haechan back to reality

My dad agreed, he's having a chat with yours. I think it won't be long till your wish will come true

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