xxii - is the winner always you?

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The silence hung still, her hand balled together in Haechan's clasp, hovering above his head

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The silence hung still, her hand balled together in Haechan's clasp, hovering above his head. Haechan's eyes were still shut, a faint glow painted across his cheek.

Haechan's hand lay there several more seconds, feeling the visibly tense up fingers of Haneul. His face never flinched, moving his hand to place Haneul's hand back onto his hair.

"Haechan" She flinched, her finger curling slightly. Her hand was sub-consciously raised, her fingers grazed ever so slightly over the silky strands

"Don't call me that" it came out more like a demand than a request. Her heart couldn't help but lurch her chest forwards, something unknown erupting in her stomach.

"What?" There was no response, just little movements in Haechan. Her hand was placed sheepishly back on his head, Haechan shuffling around to make himself more comfortable.

"You have a family meeting after this" She croaked out, her fingers unmoving from the top of his head

"Mhm" He sounded exhausted, but not upset. It was a very cold tone "5 minutes, just 5"

She nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her. With several light strokes through Haechan's hair, she could tell that Haechan's tanned skin seemed lighter, almost like an airy feeling. He seemed like the chaos in his head had finally muted, from a single touch of her finger.

She couldn't deny that he was making her nervous, her fingers shaking in little shivers.

There was something about this that brings a light smile to his mouth, her touch so gentle it was smashing against his brick like shell. He was enjoying himself when he was bashing against his morals, his families stereotypes.

"Why are you nervous?" He mumbled out, Haneul's fingers stopping in between strands.

"Uh" She gulped, almost jolting out of her chair when Haechan jerked his head up, grabbing her hand in his and just simply looked at her.

It was a moments of sweet connection, until Haechan stood up calmly from his chair and dropped her hand.

"Let's go" Haechan said rather flatly, Haneul raising her eyebrows in shock while grabbing the endless amount of bags. Haechan was quite swiftly walking in front of her that she had to run to catch up to him.

Though for Haechan, he only had to walk in front of her to collect himself. He fluttered his eyes shut for a second, exhaling while a hand was placed to his chest, the static thumping almost audible.

"Breath" He whispered to himself "breath"

"Why am i carrying all the bags?!" The girl yelled from across the room, switching the atmosphere back to what it was originally

"I thought that's what a slave does?"

"Get over here you little-"

"Get over here you little-"

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