xxvii - peasants sympathy

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The melodies drifted in and out of the room, his voice sweet as caramels drops you can find out your local lolly shop

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The melodies drifted in and out of the room, his voice sweet as caramels drops you can find out your local lolly shop. It's hard to envision a demon as powerful as Haechan singing a lowly lullaby that holds more power than any demon could.

Yet still, lowly

The baby was placed onto the makeshift crib, and Haneul draped along the almost egg like chair that looked rather like a flying UFO. With the black satin throw slung against the back of the massively circular chair, and several oddly shaped pillows with covers of both wool and velvet, she was anything but uncomfortable at the moment.

His voice hadn't cracked or croaked at all, it still ran honey smooth as he paced around the room, worries gone and head full of her. Although, realistically that could never be the case. He was to kill her before her birthday, yet he knew little as to when her birthday actually was.

He was scared to ask

With the obsidian encrusted knife, he felt powerless against the aura of it. It was said to kill demons, but Haneul wasn't a demon, so what was to happen if Haechan was to slice her open with a weapon from hell? He wouldn't even dare slice her open despite the knife being ones for demons, because he's fallen too deep to dig himself out again.

The restraints of love had its powers, and even for those who had never received love, anyone is able to feel those pink hearts surround them.

He advanced towards her, his hand leant against the back of the chair in a type of mesmerisation. It was hard not to stare at something you want.

Haechan walked to the back, his body leant over the couch back for his head to hover a distance above from hers. His fathers words kept taunting him the more he looked at her, and the image of the lunar knife glistened fresh in his mind.

He wouldn't kill her, he wouldn't dare. But he knew who would.

His father

There was simply nothing that could be done. His father was his family, and he must care for his family as much as they weren't anything close to being a family. There were still titled a family

But so was Haneul, someone who he had fallen so helplessly in love for.

His eyes traced over her every feature, each indentation and flaw shone like a gem.

"You're pretty when you're not being stupid" He muttered, his fingers brushing the loose hairs away. He scoffed, a smile spreading lightly across his lips "How did i fall for someone like you?"

"The family dinner...I had no input in it. I didn't know they had something planned and i swear to god i was oblivious to everything and anything" He leant in a bit closer "I didn't know a thing, but i know you won't believe me, you never did"

The girl stirred, her body shifting to face another direction. Haechan sighed, going over and wrapping one of his throws on his bed over her body, crouching down shortly after to see the vulnerability of her state.

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now