xiii - vevlet chains

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"Settle down everyone" The teacher waved his head downwards, failing in trying to get everyone to return to their seats and quiet down

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"Settle down everyone" The teacher waved his head downwards, failing in trying to get everyone to return to their seats and quiet down. Except Haneul, she was asleep

"Quiet!" The teacher slammed the heavy textbook against the wooden table, his eyes shooting daggers into students that haven't quite sat down yet

"We have a transfer today" The teacher announced, flipping through the role "He's from the A class". Chatter dispersed throughout the room, students eager to find out how someone managed to drop from Class A, all the way to Class D. Haneul didn't quite care, instead, she switched her head onto her other arm so that her head faced the sun

"One more word and 20 demerits will be assigned!" The teacher's ruler hit the board, silence spreading over the atmosphere once again. Nodding to the student behind the door, the classroom burst into gasps and gossip at the figure who walked in.

"Is it so hard to shut up" She groaned, lifting her head up to discover a pair of dark eyes that swallowed her similarly dark ones.

"Oh you're joking" She rotated her head to the side, attempting to conceal herself behind her maths textbook.

"Everyone this is...Lee...Heechaen?" The teacher glanced at the student. His name tag didn't have Lee Donghyuck on it, instead Lee Haechan as he no longer wanted to be titled as Donghyuck. He had made his very own name tag with all the riches he inhabited.

"Take a seat over there next to Hyun Haneul" the teacher gestured before whacking his stick against the podium several times

"Why does God hate me" She murmured. Once she heard the muffled sounds of a bag being placed down and uniform being ruffled, she peaked from her textbook. Haechan's face etched with conceit and arrogance, his eyes sparkling with all the stars in the sky.

"Please just let me die here" she threw her head down, smashing it against her textbook with a mini tantrum running in her head. Words of 'i hate you' flew out of her mouth almost naturally, her eyes refusing to look up to face that disgusting face of his

"Gladly" Haechan took out his notebook and slipped it towards her with fake innocence "You wouldn't mind if you wrote my notes for me right?". Lifting her head up, she grabbed his notebook viciously and left him with one gaze of hatred. Haechan grinned, leaning back on his chair and placing his legs onto the table, his arms folded under his head.

"It's nice having a servant, you should get one yourself" He said rather loudly, causing some heads to turn in his direction. He had entered the classroom for a pure second and he had already gotten comfortable, too comfortable.

"Would you shut up" She nudged him roughly, glancing around to see multiple pairs of eyes on her.

"Does my angel want me to shut up?" He cooed, his lips pulling into a pout "What a mean thing to say"

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