xxxiii - actions fault

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"Get off me" Haneul grunted, shaking Haechan's arms off her

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"Get off me" Haneul grunted, shaking Haechan's arms off her. She stood up, the coat falling aimlessly from her shoulders as she wrapped herself in her own arms, the sad drooping of her wings trailing behind her

"Haneul listen to me-" Haechan grasped her wrist, pivoting her around.

"I know, something came up for you" She cocked a brow at him "Basketball training? Demerits punishment? Family meeting?"

Haechan pursed his lips, his grip on her wrist loosening. It was honestly kind of funny how she could think of all the excuses Haechan could possibly have

"What, no excuses anymore?" She pulled her hand away "I don't want to be just a game to you anymore Haechan"

"Just listen to me" He urged, his words barely coherent

"I have, on multiple occasions. Hell, I even thought for a second dating you would be a good idea" She stepped backwards "You haven't changed at all Donghyuck. This whole 3 day dating nonsense is just one of your ways to provoke me, play with me because that's what you're good at. I've let you play with me like a fool for months now, and I have little patience for you and your arrogant ways to ruin me for the last few months of high school"

"If I did play games with you, I wouldnt have dragged it out for that long. I wanted to get closer to you, so understand my situation here" He was beginning to get frustrated at how she worded her sentences

"This is exactly why I said we wouldn't and couldn't date! Look at us, we're so incredibly defensive at what we think is right, and we don't ever agree with each other. We fight at least several times a week, can't you see we simply can't be together!" With the icy winds of the rain, and the clouds painted with the colour of lead, nothing seemed to be on their side.

"It's a misunderstanding, i did have a family meeting to attend and i did forget about it when i asked you to meet up. I'm sorry, I apologise it was my fault. But you know how much i don't value those stupid stupid meetings, I was going to ditch, I really was"

"Doesn't justify why you didn't" She was so cold under the rain that her words had begun to chatter along with her teeth

"He...threatened me. I had reasons and I just couldn't deny it ok"

"Then what's the reason. Lets hear it"

The same reason that will be revealed to her on Haneul's birthday.

Haechan remained silent, because he wasnt dumb and wasn't going to tell Haneul he had plans to kill her. Well, his father had plans to kill her.

She scoffed quite audibly, her arms folded over at the irony "And the truth always comes out".

"No it's not like that it's really-" He groaned out of frustration, his fingers tasseling with his already messy hair. The gravity of the situation seemed to weigh them down bit by bit, and he was scared he was about to lose everything.

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now