xxx - no empathy

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Haechan woke up to a hand raised right in front of his face, several pearly white pills resting in her cupped hand

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Haechan woke up to a hand raised right in front of his face, several pearly white pills resting in her cupped hand.

"What-" his voice was hoarse, drowned with sleep and exhaustion

"Hurry up and eat it" She nudged the hand closer to him. Haechan only had one eye open with groans flying out of his mouth.

"What are you doing..." He raised himself slightly with his elbow, his eyes a crescent moon and his hair sprouting in all directions.

"You're sick" She grabbed his shoulder and slammed him down, Haechans head hitting the pillow.

"What the f-" and the hand of pills were shoved into his mouth, a glass of water brought up to his lips shortly after. He almost choked when the liquid and pill washed down his throat.


"I'm pissed at you, don't talk to me" Pretty sure the anger she was feeling yesterday was crawling back at her, and also a little bit of the guilt that led Haechan to be lying in her bed with a fever as high as 39.

"If you're going to take care of someone, stop being so passive aggressive" He scoffed, taking the remaining of the pills and downing it. She was sat on her bed right next to Haechan with her arms folded over, clearly not in the mood for anything on a weekday

"What, are you still pissed at me because i lied to you?" Haechan leaned over to grab the ice pack but Haneul beat him to it. Grasping the icy material, she basically whacked it on his head and pressed him against the bed wall with one mighty push "I'm pissed because first you lie to me, second you break into my house and third you take hostage of my bed. I break free from being your slave and still end up serving you"

He let out an ugly laugh, with a mix of a cough and a rough rumble to it, taking the ice pack away from his forehead

"Don't laugh dimwit" She glanced around the clock "And great, guess i'm skipping school to take care you piece of sh-"

"Did i ask you to skip school? Go ahead, go to school"

"Do you think i'll let someone like you free roam in my room? I don't think so" She stood up and shoved a bottle of perfectly warmed water into Haechans hand

"You're really just a weakling under that demon body of yours" She sighed, as if she was a mother trying to take care of a uncontainable child.

"Do you have a new bus card?" Haechan asked, dismissing every other insult she was firing at him.

"Does it matter?" She did get a new bus card, and she had vowed this will be the last one that will go missing.

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