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Waking up to a foreign environment wasn't her ideal start to the day

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Waking up to a foreign environment wasn't her ideal start to the day. Groaning loudly as she stretched her arms out, she dragged herself up and opened her eyes bit by bit. It took a while for her eyes to adjust, but when it did, her eyes almost popped out of its socket

"What the-" around her was walls painted an atramendous black with a massive TV that was situated on the wall opposite her. Her head spun around a 180, facing an array of vinyl discs all with a dark theme to it, each with an intricate white marker scribbled on top of it

It looked like dates and the title of the disc, but she didn't pay much attention to it. Sliding out of the, also, grey-black blanket, a sewn quilt was also draped across her body. She had first thought she was kidnapped, then realised which kidnapper would have a room that looked as if it costed more than her life

The lights were dim...well the room didn't really have said lights. It was this type of glow that illuminated from the perimeter of the ceiling that inclined inwards. But what a really fascinated her with the ceiling. It was a translucent, black mirror, with spontaneous dots poked in it to create different streams of light that lit up the room. It looked like stars, and it was truly beautiful.

Pulling the ebony curtain apart, she squinted at the light that flooded in, her hand covering her eyes.

"Don't go around touching my stuff" a familiar voice sounded, his body leant against the door frame. Turning around, she was face to face with the demon she had become incredibly pissed at in the past week or so. Then it clicked, she was in his bedroom

"Ah!" She half yelled half screamed after a second or two of silence. Haechan perked up his eyebrow, mustering a laugh "What sound is that may i ask?"

"What are you doing here?!" She yanked the quilt off his bed and wrapped it tightly around her body. She was wearing clothes mind you, but lets just say all girls get insecure

"The proper question is what are you doing in my bedroom?" Haechan cocked his head to the side, taking a sip of the tea that was in his hand. Once he had gotten a satisfied reaction, Haechan began "Come out, we've got breakfast downstairs" and left behind the door

"At least he's not making me get him breakfast this time" She scoffed, grabbing her blazer hung up and slipped her arms through, attempting to straighten the creases on her uniform. Taking quiet steps down the stairs, she couldn't help but let her jaw drop at the majestic chandelier that hung above the staircase that split into two that meet together at the base

"I knew he was rich...but not this rich" feeling the need to keep posh and have respect since she had stepped foot into a family with so many riches, she slowly made her way downstairs where she noticed a mob of brown hair having a very short-ended conversation with another

"You need to stop bringing girls home Donghyuck" the other male exclaimed, assuming it was Haechan's brother

"I'm Haechan" Haechan did even look at his own brother

"Alright Haechan, you have to understand that your home isn't your playground" he hushed, desperate to get the message across

"This isn't my home" Haechan glanced up "it feel likes a jail"

His brother clammed his mouth shut, wary that Haechan was one with pretty bad anger issues. It was a thing to be scared of someone, but another thing to be scared of your own brother

"Donghyuck..." His brothers tone softened, only to have a hand slam down on the table, liquid spilling out of a cup "My name is Haechan"

Before anyone could say anything, Haechan spotted a frozen Haneul awkwardly standing midway up the stairs. Inhaling to mute his burning fire, he didn't even leave his brother one last glance before going up to grab Haneul by the bag, dragging her all the way to the entrance of their house

"Oi Dong-" she figured it wouldn't be the best time to call him Donghyuck "uh Haechan can you not-" it was pretty hard to stabilise herself at the force Haechan was pulling her at. Bowing a very small nod to his brother as they passed, the two found themselves next to Haechan's bike.

"Get on" He deadpanned, slipping his helmet on

"No helmet again?" She followed suit and swung her legs onto his bike

"No" Haechan seemed to be in an even worse attitude than he usually was, and that's saying something.

"Where are we going?" She took his blazer material under her fingers. Thankfully, it didn't stink of blood this time.

"To get me breakfast" He reared the engine and of course, the vehicle jolted forwards. At least she was ready this time. She couldn't quite reply with anything at the amount of wind blaster on her face, so ultimately deciding that she should just wait till they arrive and then ask any excess questions.

Not even 2 minutes past and Haechan had made an abrupt stop, her cheek pressed against his back once again.

"Go get my food" Haechan pulled his helmet off, resting it against the bike handles

"It's your food" She attempted to fix her hair that was flying everywhere

"Your my slave" Haechan retorted in a cockish way. Rolling her eyes, she slipped off the bike and gave him one death stare before walking into the shop. This was a shop that very much contradicted Haechan's personality; it was an array of pastries and the manager seemed too friendly for Haechan's communication

Picking something random, she paid for it—with her own money—and took the paper bag in hand, bidding a polite goodbye then making her way back to the motorbike.

"Take your damn pastries" She shoved the bag into Haechan's chest, pushing herself back on the bike.

"Thanks Angel" He smirked, placing the bag somewhere safe before racing to school. As soon as they arrived, a circle of students were already gasping at the sight, even Haechan's friends were utterly bewildered.

"Did you really have to take the central entrance" She tried to hide behind Haechan's back, knowing Haechan had his iconic smug smile on him

"What? I thought you loved attention. You smashed my bike after all" Haechan jumped off the bike, leaving her in a puddle of embarrassment when she scrambled behind Haechan to avoid the cameras.

"Haechan over here" One of his friends called out, Haechan quickly join the group while Haneul dashed in front of them, desperate to get into school

"You with her again?" Jaemin asked, washing the girl doing a crouched run across the path

"She's my slave, she works for me" Haechan said matter-of-factly

"You said you'll let me borrow her!" Chenle whined, hitting Haechan in the shoulder jokingly

"She works for me" Haechan snorted, hitting Chenle back

"Aish cmon. I'll steal her for lunch ok? I need to see those basketball skills again" Chenle skipped in front, his hands clutching around his bag straps

"That kid might have a crush" Renjun chuckled, watching the way Chenle gets all giddy when Haneul was mentioned "He doesn't meet many girls who have a passion for basketball"

"Right" Haechan responded blankly, his eyes trained on Chenle's body who spun circles as he skipped towards the entrance of the school building

"Chenle might kill you if you kill her" Jaemin swung his arm around Haechan's shoulder "Ah, kids these days"

"I'll kill her...just watch"

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now