xiv - a little at a time

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The umbrella raised high above his head, he arrived at the basketball entrance through a short cut, the soft patters of the rain against his umbrella matching with the rhythm of his heart

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The umbrella raised high above his head, he arrived at the basketball entrance through a short cut, the soft patters of the rain against his umbrella matching with the rhythm of his heart. His eyes fixed onto her body who glanced around for any type of shelter she could get. His foot took a steady step forward, until a mob of ash blue hair appeared next to her side, a similar black umbrella raised above their heads.

His feet moved backwards in its own accord, his eyes refusing to tear away from the duo. He watched the two exchange glances, their smiles almost mirroring each other's. His arm dropped tiredly, the umbrella revealing his mob of silver to the tiny water droplets. His hair matted to his face, his dark irises not leaving the two until they disappeared behind the school gates.

He was a lone watcher, his wings extending out into a majestic arch, dark fumes radiating out of it with. His eyes flashed with a translucent red glaze, the crimson tints worming their way to his pupils. He had never felt the pain of an injury nor a pain of a heartbreak, but for some reason now, he felt more rage than agony

He wanted to kill

Anyone, anywhere, anything

His fangs dug into his lips, the rain having no effect on him. Until finally, his body shot up into the air, the flight of his wings sending him off into his fest.

"Hey uh, thanks" her eyes crinkled as she smiled at Chenle, his face beaming with happiness despite the pour of the rain

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"Hey uh, thanks" her eyes crinkled as she smiled at Chenle, his face beaming with happiness despite the pour of the rain. Making sure she was safely situated in the entrance of her apartment building, Chenle bid her a goodbye and walked away, disappearing behind the curtain of fog.

Stretching out her arms, she was about to take a step into closer to the elevator when she heard heavy grunts radiating from the alleyway, a shadow concealing a few strands of dark feathers. Her eyes locked onto the feathers that was littered along the concrete, all soaked with the pouring rain.

"It's not night..." She glanced up at the sky. It was only 6 o'clock so it made no sense why a demon would be outside, let along have their wings out. Her eyes squinted at the little rain droplets that rolled down the metal poles, jumping away from it in shock. Though, curiosity killed the cat.

fraught with fear | lee donghyck √ Where stories live. Discover now