xii - of the heart, of the soul

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Haneul snuck into the Grade A classroom as quietly as she could while the class was out for gym, her hand gripping the door frame as she ninjaed her way across the classroom

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Haneul snuck into the Grade A classroom as quietly as she could while the class was out for gym, her hand gripping the door frame as she ninjaed her way across the classroom. Her eyes scanned the named locker, her eyes landing on the one with Lee Donghyuck stuck to it.

"Bingo" she did a mini celebration in her head. Yanking the locker open, it was surprisingly unlocked. Straightening her body, she dug her hand around in his locker in search for a particular object. She was going forward with the 'smashing of hone plan, she thought it was genius.

What she didn't think was genius was the fact that his whole class was now coming back from gym and she was here rummaging through Haechan's locker. Hearing the faint footsteps approaching, her eyes darted around the room for any hiding places. Obviously, there was none.

(These lockers are those long ones, where you have one vertical locker along the wall)

Resorting to Haechan's tiny ass locker, she threw the door open and squeezed herself in before locking herself in Haechan's locker. She was lucky she was fairly small, so she just about fit.

Chatter begun to fill the atmosphere, her heart pumping with thrill. She could hear the heavy footsteps approaching the locker as she waits for the stream of light to come in. As if on cue, the locker door was swung open, her pleading eyes meeting Haechan's.

There was something about this incident that almost made Haechan laugh. Pressing her hands together in a beg, she tried her best to tell Haechan not to expose her or her whole reputation and education life would go down the drain. She didn't quite want any more deniers that wasn't because of her skipping class

Haechan glanced around, his hand on his locker door while the students were beginning to crowd around the locker. Haechan returned his eyes to Haneul, bending down so that he looked as if he was searching for something on the bottom compartment of his locker, his placed his hand on the divider between the top and bottom compartments. His eyes had it's usual devilish tint, knowing that he was never going to stop teasing Haneul about this after everything had settled.

"Don't do anything stupid please" She mouthed, watching Haechan's eyes switch behind him teasingly "Look who's talking". He had every right to tease her with the situation they were in.

"You really surprise me sometimes Angel" it really took every muscle in his body to refrain from laughing

"Just shut up would you" She whispered, glancing behind Haechan to see if everyone had returned to their seats. In fact, that wasn't quite what happened. Someone had accidentally pushed Haechan's crouching body forward, sending his face to jerk in front of hers, his hand being the only thing to stabilise himself

The girl was also caught off guard, Haechan's face barely apart from hers. All commotion around them dissolved right there and then, both their hearts linked in an odd syncopation. Haechan's dark pupils seemed almost golden, his lips parted with shaking exhales. He's never wanted to escape as badly as he wanted to now, nor has he ever wanted to freeze as badly as he wanted to now.

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