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Izuku woke up, only to be greeted with the sound of beeping to his left. The light blinded him and it took a few seconds for him to adjust to the lights. "W-where am I?" he rasped. Izuku noticed his throat was dry and lifted his hand to touch his neck. His left arm jolted to a halt as tubes tightened around his arm.

"Ah Izuku Midoriya you're awake." An unknown voice said to his left. Izuku tried to turn his head to see the speaker, but found himself unable. "Im Doctor Aizawa. How are you feeling Midoriya?"


"Good. Does it hurt anywhere?" Midoriya noticed he had casts on everywhere, from head to toe. "You're currently in a local hospital in Hoshou. We've tried our best to fix you up." Doctor Aizawa informed.

"W-why am I in a-" memories rushed back inside his head.  'T-that's right I was going to Hoshou. For a family trip. We were driving on a mountain side. A truck was rushing towards at us and then- black.' Izuku then remembered, "My family! Is my mom and dad okay?! Where are they?!"

From the corner of his eye he saw Aizawa lower his head. "Your family... They were discovered deceased at the site. I'm so very sorry." He whispered.

Izuku's stomach started to churn and disbelief encroached his face. "E-excuse me?" Midoriya polietly asked.

"Your parents... they were beyond the point of saving. It was a miracle in itself that you survived. I offer you my deepest apologies." Aizawa bowed.

"N-no please raise your head." Izuku voice pleaded. "You did everything you could... thank you." Aizawa slowly nodded and left the room, leaving Izuku with his thoughts.

'Mom is... gone? D-dad too? It can't be true. It isn't. I won't believe it. Mom is the strongest person I know. She would never die. She wouldn't.' Izuku clenched the bedsheets with his only available arm. 'They won't die. They won't. Stay strong Izuku. They're not dead. Maybe the doctors are pulling a prank on me- yeah that's it! They're going to come in my room with both of my parents and yell 'Gotcha!' Then we'll laugh about it then we can go home-'

His thoughts were interrupted by a knocking, "Izuku Midoriya? The police are here to see you."

Two policemen walked in and situated themselves besides Izuku. The taller one spoke: "Hello Midoriya. Im Officer Mirio. How are you holding up?"

"Fine." Izuku blankly replied.

"I see. Do you know why we're here?"

Izuku remained silent.

"We're here to recount the accident. October 10th, time, 2:47 am. A car accident occured between a truck and a minivan." Izuku tensed and Officer Mirio continued, "The truck driver in question was not found in the crash, he was presumbed to have ran away."

Ruffling sounds of paper was heard and a new voice spoke, "Im Officer Tamaki. Nice to meet you. I will read your records, so tell me if anything is wrong. Izuku Midoriya, age 16, currently attending AU highschool." Izuku simply nodded. "Inko Midoriya age 42. Hisashi Midoriya age 45."

Midoriya silently nodded filling the room with a gloom atmosphere.

Tamaki exchanged worried glances with Mirio. "All right then that'll be all for today." Officer Mirio said gently. "Your parent's funerals will be held in 3 days." With that, the officers silently left, once again leaving him alone.

Izuku thought to himself over and over, trembling, 'It's going to be okay. Just wait a couple of days and it'll all blow over. You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay.'

Three days later
Izuku stood amongst the crowd staring blankly into the distance. He was staring at nothing at particular and his eyes gained a green dull as if he hadn't slept for weeks.

People went up to pay their respects. Some were from his dad's work, some his mom's friends, and some just complete random strangers as far as Izuku knew. A family gained Izuku's attention. It was the Bakugo family. For once, Kacchan had no anger in his eyes, but instead filled with sadness and regret. His mother was next to him, wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

Their eyes met and Izuku was met with... eyes of pity? In fact it wasn't just them. Midoriya was suddenly aware of the whispers and the pity looks people gave him. "Poor boy." "Who's going to take care of him now?" "I heard he has no other relatives." "What a shame. He had such a bright future."

Izuku looked down and felt shameful. He was now a laughingstock- an animal trapped in a cage. Even his past bully had nothing but pity in his eyes. He hated it. 'I don't want your godamn pity. I don't want anyone's pity.'

The priest in front called his name and Izuku, in a wheelchair as walking was impossible with all the casts, was wheeled to the front. There he was: the animal, trapped in his inability to move, with hundreds of outlookers peering in, as if trying to tear him apart. The priest cleared his throat, obviously waiting for something. The priest whispered into Izuku's ears, "Little Midoriya. They're ready for you now. Go on. A word of grievance."

Whatever he had said, he didn't remember. It felt fake; forced out of him as if he was reading off a script. 'If this is a prank, this would be a good time to reveal it.' It was more of a wish than a thought. For this to be a prank, or better yet, a dream.

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