#15: Omma's Illness😨😨😨

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At the hospital:

"Philip, I need you to prescribe a new medicine bcoz the previous one didn't work well on me," asked Ha Young.

At the same time, Jae hee was wandering around the hospital while waiting his appa to finish the surgery.

He needs to go back to school for the study group with the others;suzy, Hannah and Paul hyung.

So, he just waits for his appa at the corridor. As he just passing by, he then saw Sally imo, he wants to greet her properly but then he just happened to hear some shocking news.

"if this keeps on, then you will not last for a year, though, Sally," replied Dr Philip.

Dr Philip is appa's colleague so Jae hee thought that maybe il woo samchun knows about it too.

As Hannah's omma went out from the room, Jae hee greets her warmly.

"oh, Peter!!, what are you doing here?" asked Hannah's omma nicely.

"I was waiting appa to settle down his surgery, I guess," answered Jae hee.

"well, if that's the case, let me text your dad to inform that I will drop you by the school coz Hannah left her notebook too and I was about to head off to your school," replied Sally imo.

"emm,I think that's a good idea since I wouldn't want to be late for our study group," said Jae hee.
"huhuhu,guys, Peter will be here soon with Hannah's notebook," said Paul.

He just got a call from Peter that he will be late and to tell Hannah that her notebook was save with him.

Hannah was seriously shocked and he asked Paul to tell Peter that he should never open the notebook. That notebook is just like a diary for Hannah coz she couldn't express her feelings properly.

She just hopes that Peter will not read all the things that she wrote in the notebook.
In Hannah's Omma's car:

"did Hannah know about it?" Jae hee suddenly asked the question.

"I know that you overheard my conversation with Dr Philip, right, and I am so grateful that you didn't asked in the hospital earlier,"

"Hannah knows about it?"

"no,she didn't and I need you to promise me that you will never tell her the truth especially about my illness,"

"how about il woo samchun ?"

"Peter ya,for the time being, please just not say anything coz none of them know my health condition,"

"if Hannah found out later, she will be more hurt," replied him.

"aniya,she must be strong so I can leave this world peacefully," cried Sally imo.

"you don't have to worry about it, I will keep my promise," said Jae hee and giving Hannah's omma some tissues to wipe her tears.

"you're such a sweet boy, Peter, and I hope you can always stay by Hannah's side no matter what,"

"arasseo, imo" answered him.

Hannah's omma was relieved to hear that from Hannah's best friend bcoz she afraid that her daughter couldn't bear the pain alone.

Hi guys, so it was sad to hear that Hannah's omma is actually very sick, right? But I just thought about the time when rowoon cried on the stage when performing solo stage... It hurts my feelings too.. If you curious how's the performance, check out the video

If you curious about the lyrics then listen to this too😭😭😭😭

P/S, I'M HANNAH'S DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now