#40: Found You, Peter😶😶😶

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"Hannah ya, I'll return to Russia back in 3 days coz I need to settle with my university there and pick up my things, are you okay with that?" asks Jae hee.

"emm, nan gwenchana, oppa. It's not proper to keep mourning on the late ha won oppa, I need to continue my life and I will enroll in the university soon so it may be a good start for me,"answered her calmly.

"you're all grown-up, Hannah ya, okay, if you say so then I think maybe I'll just further my study there," said Jae hee out of sudden.

"Haa, you said you want to finish your study here!!!, why you suddenly change your mind??, I thought you promised in ha imo to be my driver when I enroll in the university," asks Hannah at the same time she's holding Jae hee's shirt's sleeve.

"hahaha,no, I will study here, I just want to test you but.... How did you know about that? I don't think I've told you before we came for our lunch," said him and he brushes her hand gently to comfort her.

"aah,aniya... You never told me about it, in ha imo, she told me that you will be my driver until I graduate," smiled Hannah.

"wait, Until you whattt!!"

"yupp,waeyo ? Are you feel burdened by it?"

"aniya...i just thought that maybe you could get car's license it must be more convenient to go anywhere,"

"hahaha, what for?? I have you and that is your punishment,"

"what punishment?"

"Hehehe, I'll let you know once you return, alright,"answered her joyfully.

In her mind right now, she know that Jae hee will super shocked once he knew about it too.


"Peter is Jae hee oppa?, wait, how can this happened, ahh, yes, I don't know his Korean name along those year and is he know that I'm Hannah, her old friend in Russia?, if this true then In Ha imo probably knows about this too," mumbled Hannah. She decides to call In ha imo to ask her about it.

"hello, in ha imo, this is Hannah, imo...how are you? Jae in eonnie...is she okay?"

"Hannah....oh dear, you're making me worried becoz of that day when you just left the hospital, I'm so sorry.... Hannah ya, you can blame me but please....it's not Jae in's fault, it's all my fault,"

"aniya.... Imo, I never hate you and I called you to apologise for my rudeness that day, I think I was too emotional at that time and....i want to see Jae in eonnie too, "

"no...Hannah ya, I can understand your feelings, so, eonjaeyo.... You want to visit Jae in at the hospital? "

"of course as soon as possible but... Actually I want to ask something... It's about Peter,"

"Peter... Why did you suddenly bring up about him?, you never want to talk about him and hear anything that relates to him,"

"aniya, I just curious.....since I and him were friends, I never knew his Korean name, so can you tell me his name?"

"are you ready to know? Well, if I tell you, I'm just afraid that you will super shocked becoz he's someone you know,"

"Jae hee oppa, is it ?, imo.... I already knew about it and why all this time you keep from me?"

"I'm afraid that you will hate him more so I decided to keep it as a secret and Jae hee fine with this idea," answered in ha imo weakly.

"wait... So, he knows that I'm Hannah and he pretends like we're never met and.... Is it a part of his plan to be my doctor so we could be friends??" asks her again.

"aniya... Hannah ya, Jae hee didn't know at first that you're Hannah but he finds out after saving you from being raped by a group of men,"

"ohh.....Okay I assume that he didn't know about it too at first but....imo, why all this time I spend time with him, he never even once try to explain to me? Maybe I can forgive him if he tried,"

"he once lose you, Hannah....and... I think he didn't want to lose you again, it hurts him and...you think if he tell you everything, you could forgive him?"

"maybe he failed to be my friend,Peter...long ago but Jae hee oppa is a friend that i can rely on and he always be there for me and for the two months he become my doctor, I really appreciate it and it turns out both of them are the same person so maybe I can let go the past and start a new life,"

" I was glad to hear that but if you really want me to explain,you can come by to our house,"

" imo.. I think I'll go to your house after he left for Russia becoz I don't want to let him know, I would like to keep it as a secret until I enroll in the university.. At that time, I'll try to find a chance to reconciled with him becoz he probably finish his study, I don't want to bother him with this matter,"

"you're so thoughtful, Hannah ya, which university ? I know you can make it,"

"Ewha Women's University, imo, well...Time flies very fast, next week we'll celebrate new year, I'll turn 19 then and soon I'll be university student,"

"don't worry, Hannah... You sure can do it, ahhh, actually.... I would like to ask jae hee to be your driver becoz he will continue his study here and I just want to make sure your safety,"

"ehh, jinjja, imo, but why?? He just has 2 years left,"

"I don't know his reason but I think... Maybe becoz of you,"

"me?? But why??"

"you really don't have any idea about it??"

"emm, nope, mwollayo, imo..."

"he loves you, Hannah... For him, you're the first and the last woman he  ever loved, Don't you get it till now?"

Hannah was speechless. She was happy but at the same time she knows that Jae hee deserves someone better than her. She always need him to save her from danger. He always protect her at any cost.

"paboo, how come you only loved one woman in your life? I really don't deserves you," thought Hannah.

"imo...you are not mad at him with his decision, well...he's the smartest student and he will get to be a professor when he graduates from medical school in Russia,"

"well, at first I disagree with this idea but he promised to be a good doctor in the future so just thought about it, make me happy,"

"ohh, I see... Imo....I got to go, there's something that I want to discuss with him about last night incident,"

"ehh, last night? Did something happened?"

"ehh, aniya... Imo, later we talk again,"Hannah then immediately ended the call and went to the living room to check her aunt and Jae hee if they're done chatting or not.

That's explained why she looks so suspicious and to make it simple she already know about it before they share their first kiss🤭🤭🤭... Oops not for Jae hee, he lost his first kiss when giving her CPR.......

have you watched this??? I Stan for them, here🤣🤣🤣....

J-R-Z lemonade🍋🍋🍋

P/S, I'M HANNAH'S DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now