#34: Stay With Her🥺🥺🥺

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"Hannah ya, promised me that you will never did that thing again," said Jae hee nicely while brushing gently her hands. He lifts Hannah easily coz she so small and laid her on bed and he stay beside her for a while. Jae hee suddenly saw that Hannah's wrist is a little bit swollen. He then asks her,

" Hannah ya, how did you get your wrist swollen, even your legs got several bruises,"

"aniya, nan gwenchana, it doesn't hurt at all, I got this coz I lifted heavy things, I'll be okay soon after put some ointment," said Hannah and she tried to cover her legs with the blanket.

"hogsi... Someone beat you or hurt you, is it?"

"aniya, no one hurt me at  all, geobjongmalyo,"

"don't you dare to lie Hannah ya or else....

" or else what?? What do you want to do, oppa?? " Hannah raised her voice a little bit.

"okay then, uri,dduldda, will share the same bed for tonight, I don't have any intention to go back too," answered Jae hee calmly.

"you wouldn't dare, appa will not gave his permission though,"

"really, well Director Jang just did it, he completely trust me to 'take' care of you since you will not listen to him," smirked Jae hee as his face was just an inche to her.

"boragu oppa!!, yahh!! appa wouldn't let me stay with a grown-up man all alone," said Hannah and push jae hee aside coz she felt that his face was too close to her.

"well, why are you afraid that this grown-up man will do something to you?"

"aniya... I'm just..." before she could continue her sentence, she then quickly ran towards the door to get out from the room but Jae hee more faster than her and he blocked her way.

"no, miss Hannah, Don't leave this room until you answered my question,"

"ttoo!! Oppa, what do you want? Let me ask appa at least,"

Jae hee then pushed Hannah to the door and he slowly reached her face. Jae hee seems want to shut her lip with his.

"what is he doing, my heart will explode if he come more closer," Hannah moaned silently.

"oppa, mwaseyyo?" asks Hannah without looking at him.

"if you don't want to tell me then I will proceed it with my way,maybe if I shut your lip with mine you could change your mind, " smirked Jae hee as his lip was about to reach Hannah's.

"arassseo, arassseo, I will tell you," said Hannah immediately to avoid eye-contact with him.

"just answer my question, Hannah-shi. How did you get the bruises all over your legs and wrist?" whispered Jae hee to her. Hannah then give up and tell Jae hee the truth.

"see, if you did this earlier then I will not treat you like that," said Jae hee while carrying her and make her lying on the bed. Hannah was too shocked until she wants to scream but after seeing Jae hee put some ointment around her wrist and legs, she smiled and felt relieved. She thought that Jae hee will do something to her.

"wae?? Don't you ever see a handsome doctor like me treat a patient this nice?" jokes Jae hee.

"aniya,oppa,why you didn't ask me to just sit on my bed, no need to burden yourself to carry my heavy body," said Hannah as she felt guilty.

"emm, you're right and you're wrong too,"


"you are too skinny Hannah, I could easily lifts you and why you didn't tell in ha imo about your friends still bullying you? They even beat you,"

"appayo, oppa, please be gentle,"

"ohh,mian, you shouldn't be nice to them at all,"

"did you always worried about me like this or because I once been your patient?" asks Hannah curiously.

"aaa, of course you're, you and me are chingu, right?"

"bbajayo," answered Hannah weakly.

Jae hee knows Hannah still not in the mood to talk with anyone. He was so lucky that she could talk to him. Jae hee then left the room to inform Director Jang that Hannah was fine. As soon as Jae hee stands up, he heard Hannah was calling a familiar name and she was holding his hand.

"omma, do you think Peter is doing well? I missed him so much,"

She must had this sleeping habits since that day, jae hee guess. He then caressed her cheeks softly and whispered to her,

"he's doing well, Hannah ya, if you missed him so much, please give him a second chance to explain everything,"

"il woo samchun, I need to go back bcoz I need to stay at the hospital, noonaneun nan gidalyeojo,"

"Jae hee ya, I know maybe this sounds rude but may I ask you to come again tomorrow, you know you're the one that I could trust,"

"aniya, gwenchana, samchun, I promise I will come," replied Jae hee.

"jeongmal gomawo, Jae hee ya," answered Director Jang gratefully.
Suddenly, Jae hee got a call from his mom.

"Jae hee ya, you don't have to stay at the hospital, just stay at il woo samchun house, stay with her, please, son,"

"omma, but...." then the call just end like that. He knows that omma is truly sorry for what had happened to ha won hyung even though it was an accident bcoz omma felt bad towards Hannah and she thinks that she deserves to be treated like this coz Hannah must think that they're the reason ha won dead.

Hannah is like her second daughter after Jae in. Now, both of them were struggling from the pain.

"samchun, omma asked me to stay at your home to make sure Hannah's safety," Jae hee said sounds a little bit hesitated.

"I'll be glad if you stay, Jae hee ya," said Director Jang happily. Both of them enter the house and director Jang showed Jae hee the guest room so he could sleep there for tonight.

Hehehe, seems like their relationship had been blessed by Hannah's appa....
Poor in ha imo, Hannah should calm herself too...

Btw, I got this picture from Instagram and it was super cute....

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P/S, I'M HANNAH'S DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now