#33: I Need You😢😢😢

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"How's Hannah doing right now?" mumbled Jae hee. He missed her so badly. He just wants time flies very fast so that he can meet Hannah again once he finish his study. He then had to join the next class but suddenly he got a call from his omma from Korea. He was shocked at first but maybe it was something that really important.


"hello,Jae hee ah, your noona had involved in an accident with ha won and she's in coma right now, and ha won..." Jae hee's omma cried so hard before she could talk again,

"omma!!!, what happened?? Ha won hyung, how is he? Is he injured so badly??"

"Jae hee ah, ha won died on his way to the hospital...."

"sa sil-I-aniya, omma," now Jae hee was tearing up. He just so sad that ha won hyung had just gone forever and leave her sister alone. Jae hee now couldn't think any other way but he had asks for suzy and Paul hyung help. They was very sad to know about it too and they know that Jae hee must be so flustered with the situation.

Suzy and Paul know that Jae hee was worried about Hannah too. She just lost her mom back then and now her oppa had gone forever. Hannah must felt so much pain right now. She has lost two people that she loves so much in this world.
This is like 13 years ago when Hannah lost her mom but her best friend, Peter was not there and now is like that too. Jae hee oppa whom she rely on a lot not by her side.

"Hannah ya,gidalyeo, I'll come to you soon," said Jae hee silently.

Jae hee got to book a flight to Korea tonight thanks to Paul hyung that have uncle whom works as a director in Russian airport. As for his classes, suzy had took care for him by inform to all the professor bcoz they were classmates. Suzy manages to get Jae hee a week to stay in Korea for the funeral and other things that he needs to settle.
"oppa!!!!" shouted Hannah as soon as she see her oppa's dead body inside the morgue. She then hugged him and crying so badly meanwhile Director Jang had to let her daughter coz it will be her last time to see him. Director Jang couldn't express how sad is him coz he had experienced the pain to let go someone that we cherished so much.

After been in the hospital for more than 2 hours, family of Dr Kim arrives to see Jae in's condition.

"hyung, be strong and I'm truly sorry for your loss," said Dr Kim. They were late bcoz they had to settle with Jae hee first when he said that he will return to Korea tonight and probably he will arrives tomorrow morning.

"ohh, gwenchana ya, dae sung-shi, it is his fate to leave the world too soon," cried Director Jang.

"Hannah ya, gwenchana, imo mianhae for coming too late,"

"aniya, imo, your daughter, Jae in eonnie just killed ha won oppa!!, I hate you too, imo," screamed Hannah that makes everyone shocked.

"Hannah ya, Don't say like that, in ha imo always love you and Jae in eonni wouldn't do such thing, she loves your oppa and it was an accident," said Hannah's appa to calm her.

"appa, I want to go home,right now or else I will keep on looking at those who just killed ha won oppa," said Hannah and she left.

"Hannah ya, Hannah ya, in ha, dae sung, jeongmal mianhae, Hannah is too sad right now, please forgive her rudeness,"

"aniya, oppa, she has the point and jigeumyo,she must hates us a lot and  Jae in too,"

"geobjongmalyo, I will try to persuade her but please look after Jae in too, she needs all of you and once she's conscious, then please call me," said Director Jang before he left.

"eohh, arassseo, hyung, take care of yourself too,"replied Dr Kim.

" Jae hee ya,have you arrived? " asked omma.

" eohh, omma, how's noona? Still unconscious?me?? I just arrived at the airport and I was on my way to the hospital"

"emm, yes, Jae hee ya,don't worry about your sister, she's will be okay soon bcoz the doctor said that her condition is stable and she's unconscious right now probably she still in trauma and she maybe wants to sleep for a little bit longer, but if you don't mind may I asks you a favor? It's about Hannah, Jae hee ah," asks Mrs In Ha.
" Hannah, please don't do this, dear, ha won will be mad if he knows what are you gonna do, " said Director Jang worriedly.

Hannah locked herself in her room since last night. She probably wants to do something ridiculous coz she doesn't know for whom she should keep continue to live. She felt guilty towards appa but she can't bear the pain anymore. She was planning to hang herself so she will leave this world soon and get to meet her omma and oppa.
"Hannah ya, please open the door, Jae hee oppa is here for you, so please open the door Hannah-shi," said Jae hee while knocking the door so hard.

"Jae hee oppa?? What he is doing here?" thought Hannah.

"Hannah ya, if you didn't want to open this door then I will just break it," Jae hee was threatening her but there was no reply at all.

Jae hee become so worried and he then just breaks the door and he saw that Hannah was struggling to hang herself with the curtain.

" andwae, Hannah ya, please don't do that, I don't want to loose you anymore, I need you," said Jae hee.

He then pulled Hannah to make sure she doesn't reach the curtain and he made it. He just saves her from kill herself. He then hugged her and said,

"I will not repeat the same thing, Hannah ya, I will always stay by your side, Hannah-shi,"

" Jae hee oppa, ha won oppa had gone forever, I don't have anyone else," cried Hannah in his embrace.

"aniya, you have your appa and you have me," whispered Jae hee to her. Jae hee then gives Director Jang the signal to tell him that she's fine and they were still hugging. Director Jang left Hannah with Jae hee. He knows that Jae hee is the only person that he can trusts to look after his daughter.

Why did this happens to our precious girl, hannah😭😭😭😭, she's just 18....

Yeorobun, please keep support my story coz this is not the ending for Jae in.... We all know that she still have someone that likes her from the very start, guess who and do you think she could forget ha won easily🤔🤔🤔

Check out this photo.... It has ha won, Jae in and woo Sik😁😁😁

 It has ha won, Jae in and woo Sik😁😁😁

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