#47: She's Mine😤😤😤

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The next day,

"good morning, omma, appa, samchun," greets Jae hee happily.

"wow, why you're so happy, Jae her ya? Hogsi...did something happened between you and Hannah last night?" asks Mrs In Ha.

"uhuk, uhuk," coughed Jae hee when his omma mention about Hannah.

"emm, aniya...Omma, I'll be late for work, I need to go now," rushed him to avoid any dangerous question.

"ehh, wait for Hannah, she has class too, you need to drop her as usual Jae hee ya,"

"mwo, ahh...., well, where is she?"

"She will come down soon,"

"I'm here, good morning everyone, good morning oppa," smiled Hannah.

Jae hee couldn't hide his happy face as soon as Hannah smiled to him.

"emm, imo...well, my prom...is around the corner and we need to bring a friend as our partner, may I asks for Jae in eonnie's help?"

"ohh, why you're not taking Jae hee with you? Or is it men are not allowed?"

"aniya....geunyang....oppa seems busy though with his work and of course he will have a lot of appointments with his patients," answered her.

"if you bring eonnie, didn't it feel more awkward?" asks Jae hee back.

"hey, oppa...you didn't think that I will dance tango with Jae in eoonie, right ?"

"emm, I thought about it and it doesn't feel right,"

Hannah pinched Jae hee's arm and said,

"if Jae in eoonie agree, we will just dance a k-pop dance and it is more trending, you know like idol group, their songs  really amazing and their visual is really daebak,"

"ohhh, do you like them that much?" pouted Jae hee.

"of course, especially SF9, I'm a hardcore fantasy, you know," laughed Hannah. She seems so satisfied with Jae hee's reaction when she praised other man in front of him.

"well, Hannah ya, Jae in is not in Korea right now, she's in Russia for her first exhibition, I'm afraid that you need to bring Jae hee as your partner," said in ha imo.

"Hehehe, did you hear it clearly, Hannah ya?"

"but... Imo, didn't oppa will busy that day?"

"ehh, aniya, I can ask Yoon Sang to cover for me," smirked Jae hee.

"but you don't know how to dance, oppa.... And what will you do if everyone laughs at you?"

"well, if that's the case, then I'll probably take a dance class with you, miss Hannah," whispered him.

"awww, oppa you're so annoying," said her and one more time she hit Jae hee's arm.

"aucchh,appayo," grumbled him.

"It's okay, I will book a practice room for you two and your class will start this evening and Hannah you should teach him properly," said Imo strictly. She just can't believe that both of them still act like a child even though they're in their twenties.

" kol, omma, I'll pick you after I've finish my appointment and don't be late, bae...," teased Jae hee and he patted her head gently.

"mwo? What did you call me, oppa?"

"I call you bae...kajjayo" said him and he kissed her cheek before he leave the dining table.

Hannah's face turns red and she was flustered. In Ha Imo whom witnessed everything, she just smiled and deep in her heart, she was really happy for them.

P/S, I'M HANNAH'S DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now