☁ Chapter One ☁

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My house was silent, it always was. It was normally bearable but now during the summer there wasn't anything to do. I was going to take summer classes but I decided against it after last semester went down hill. I had been in online school for as long as I could remember because I used to travel a lot, but I had stopped moving when my grandma died and my parents bought the small house in the Outer Banks. 

It wasn't big, in fact it was practically a shack, and I was fairly sure they only bought it so I had a place to stay while they were off working. They had started their own travel agency and were constantly working of finding new places to recommend. They took their business a step up by going to the places they recommended in order to be accurate. They had hired someone to check on me once a week so they had a defense if anyone ever reported me as being neglected. I would never say anything though, I loved not having anyone to keep me in check. I could do my classes on my own time and I got to run around with my friends, it was great. 

I got a check from my dad every month as an allowance, so I was living what was probably my best life. I got to run around the Outer Banks unchecked as long as I kept my grades up and my parents didn't hear about all the trouble I got into. 

Mrs. Acker was a good lady, she was the one in charge of checking on me, but she was dumb as a brick. Her husband had died a few years back and she had been insanely oblivious ever since, I could probably pop Molly in front of her and she wouldn't notice. 

I laughed to myself at the thought and jumped up on my counter, swinging my legs through the air as I watched the pot of boiling water on the counter. It was Monday night which meant it was spaghetti night and I was in charge of making it. I had garlic bread cooking in the oven and it was going to be done any time now. 

I leaned back on the counter, resting my head against the cabinet behind me. I loved living in the outer banks. I had been coming here for as long as I could remember over the summer and it was even better living here full time. 

There was a loud crash that echoed through my house and then, "Yo, homeschool!" A voice called from my back porch. 

I rolled my eyes and jumped off my counter, my bare feet hitting the ground as I slowly walked towards the back of the house. I opened my door the porch and paused, crossing my arms over my chest and smugly grinning at the blond boy. 

I had latched the porch door last night, normally I opened it for him before he came over but I forgot to today, leaving him outside. "How's it going, J?" I smirk, walking right up to the screen door. 

"Since when do you lock this?" He groaned, rubbing his forehead. 

I laughed and unlatched the door, opening it for him. JJ Maybank had been my best friend on the island for as  long as I could remember. I met him during one of my I visits to my grandmas for the summer. He stole my bucket on the beach when we were seven, and then brought it back right away because he felt bad. 

I hung out with him every summer after that. Once we got phones we talked non stop. He was always jealous that I was visiting all these cool places while he was stuck in school. Then he got older and I moved here permanently. His dad wasn't good to him so he stayed here most nights, that or he was over at John B's. 

He introduced me to the Pogues and I started hanging out with them a lot as well. I was always closest to JJ though. 

"I always lock it." I inform him as he shoves his way through the door, throwing his arm around my shoulder. 

"You do not." He shakes his head, his blond hair falling into his eyes. 

I shove his arm off and narrow my eyes up at him, "Dumbass, I don't want to get killed." This house wasn't on the good part of the island. It wasn't the bad part either, but it was still in The Cut. 

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