☁ Chapter Eleven ☁

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I was sitting on the ground a ways behind JJ as he fired his stupid gun at one of my old teddy bears. He had wanted to practice his aim and I figured if I was there the risk of him killing someone other than my teddy bear was lower.

"JJ!" I hear a voice frantically yell. I shift on the ground and glance around a bush, seeing Pope rushing towards us.

"What was that?" JJ mumbles to himself, firing another shot at the bear. I had to admit, his aim was getting better.

"JJ!" Pope called again, glancing at me. I stood off of the ground and brushed off my pants, stepping towards Pope once I saw the fear swimming in his eyes.

JJ only nods and continues talking to himself, "Thats what I though, man."

"JJ!" Pope calls one last time. The teddy bear falls off of the log we had set it on and JJ turns, jumping slightly when he saw Pope, "They know?"

"Huh?" I question, glancing in between the two boys.

JJ takes the headphones off of his head and cocks it, "What?"

"They know." Pope stresses, his body tense.

"Okay chill, bro. All right?" JJ walks towards Pope, "They don't know shit."

"What?" I ask, pushing my hair back as I stepped closer to the two boys. I didn't understand any of what they were saying or why they would be saying it.

Pope glances at me, bitting his lips before saying, "Topper knows I sunk his boat."

"You did what?" I snap, glaring at JJ. It was definitely his idea, and even if it wasn't Pope was one hundred percent influenced by him.

JJ puts the gun away and asks, "How do you know they know?"

Pope angrily paces back and forth, rubbing his eyes, "Because they posted outside Heyward's and mad dogged me!"

"I'm sorry can we go back to the fact that you sunk a boat?" I cry out.

JJ ignores me once again, "Will you calm down and get a grip man? They don't know shit."

"They have cameras!" Pope cries, "They could have seen me!"

JJ sits down on a fallen log and shakes his head, adjusting his red hat atop his head, "There was no power, how could they have seen you?"

"It's Figure Eight, they have generators." Pope paces towards the tree line, "They don't give scholarships around to people who vengefully sink boats. It's not going to look good my transcript."

JJ groans and stands up, "Enough with the regret bro!" he snaps, "They caved your face in."

I look at Popes face and see the scab I had asked him about earlier when he didn't answer.

"They hit us, we hit them." JJ shrugs, "It's the law of the jungle. Now if any Kooks come up and ask you if you had anything to do with it, you walk up to em, look em right in the eye," He grabs popes shoulder and pulls him down slightly, "And..."

Pope hesitates for a moment before answering, "Deny the living shit out of it."

"Thats right." JJ nods, "Deny, deny, deny. But just for safety, we don't go anywhere without protection." He points to his gun which was now resting on the log he had been sitting on, "Right?"

Not too long after that Pope says he has to get back to his dads shop and he leaves. "You two did what?" I snap, slamming my palms onto JJ's shoulders.

He steps back in order to stabilize himself, "You saw his face." JJ responds calmly, "Those kooks always win, it's only fair."

"Fair!" I snap, "J, he could lose the scholarship he worked so hard for over this!"

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