☁ Chapter Twenty ☁

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I  fiddled with one of the bullets that JJ was loading into his gun. It was a strange thing. When it wasn't in a gun it didn't seem so threatening, but I knew how dangerous it was. 

"We go in there," JJ says, plucking the bullet out of my hands and putting it by the rest of them, "Guns a-blazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vamanos, get the hell out of there." 

"Down the intercostal." John B says. 

Kie nods, "Wait for weather." 

"Exit to cuba." 

"Cuba?" JJ asks, shaking his head, "No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangos, and no word for money." 

I laugh, "And from there we buy my private island and run away to there." 

"Lets do this shit." John B says. 

We pulled up to the fence at the outside of the airport and we all climbed out. "Okay so what's the plan?" Kie asks, "Broad strokes." 

"I don't think we got that far." Pope admits, looking through his binoculars towards the airport, "They're loading the gold." 

John B yanks the binoculars away and peered through them. From what I could see Ward had hired a bunch of people to transport the gold as quickly as possible. A black Range Rover pulls up and I squint towards it, trying hard to what was happening. 

"There's Ward." John B hisses, clearly not happy with his presence.  He slowly lowers the binoculars, his mouth dropping  open. 

"What?" Kie asks, noticing his mood shift. 

He shuts his  mouth tightly, "It's Sarah."

"She's with  him?" I ask, still trying to see what was happening on the tarmac. 

John B put the Binoculars back up, "Wait a minute." He gasps, "He's hurting her." 


"They're fighting."  John B tells us, watching what was happening at the plane closely. 

Kie grabs the binoculars and takes a short look,  "Holy shit." 

"Wait so she- What?" JJ stutters,  "I had no-" 

"What are you doing?" Pope calls. I spin around to see what he was talking about. John B had gotten back into the Twinkie and was starting it up. 

"John B, what are you doing?" Kie asks as she turns around, seeing him in the van. 

He starts backing it up and I step back, not wanting to know where he was going, "Hey!" I yell as he floors it forward. 

"Hold up!" JJ hollers as he stumbles backwards, out of the Twinkies path. 

"Dude, stop!" Kie yells. 

"Don't be a hero, John B!" JJ calls but the van has crashed through the fence. He doesn't stop as he swerves onto the tarmac. "What are you doing?" JJ takes off after the van. 

I rush forward too, stopping with JJ as we reach the fence line. "Holy crap." I mutter as John B speeds past the plane which was speeding into take off. I grab onto JJ's arm as John B speeds in front of the plane. He slams on the breaks and drifts in front of the plane.  

For a moment Ward doens't stop. He just keeps flying towards the van which John B hadn't gotten out of. Then at the last moment the sound of tires screeching fills  the air and the plane skids  to a stop a few feet away from the van. 

I hear the distant sound of  sirens and I feel fear soak through me, we couldn't be found here. 

"Guys, I cant get arrested." Pope turns towards us, shaking his head. 

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