☁ Chapter Six ☁

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Kie was lazily playing bongos as JJ and I tossed a baseball back and forth in John B's back yard. After JJ finished cleaning off the cream cheese from his face and I brushed my hair and changed into something more acceptable we went over to the Chateau to figure out why the police were at John B's this morning too. 

We found out she was trying to figure out if we had found the Grady-white in the marsh. I wondered if she would have eventually asked me about it if I hadn't started fake crying. 

"Look, I'm calling it off. All right?" John B claims, drawing my attention away from the game of catch we were playing. "Peterkin said if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." 

JJ tosses the baseball at me but I was too busy looking at John B so it hit my shoulder harshly and fell to the ground with a loud thud. I glared over at JJ who was too preoccupied by saying, "And you believed her?" to even notice I got hit. 

"Yes," John B nods, "I believe her, JJ." 

"An actual cop John B," JJ sits down on the table he had been standing in front of and I bend down to pick up the ball, "You believe a cop? The same one that is snooping around, looking for me?" 

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a few days and she'll help me out!" John B cries, "It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting the gun." 

"You know what I should have done?" JJ asks, holding his hands out for the ball. I toss it lightly back at him as he snaps, "I should have let topper drown your ass." 

"Yeah because topper was going to drown me?" John B taunts. 

"Sure looked like it." JJ scoffs, throwing the ball back to me, "I mean have you looked in a mirror?" 

JJ leaves the game we were playing to dramatically point at John B's eye which was badly bruised, "Come on, tell me some more." The brown haired boy snaps. 

"They always win, don't they man?" JJ leans against the porch and I have to fight to keep my eyes from closely examining his biceps. "Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win."  He punches a soccer ball that was strung up to the roof and spins around, angrily stalking away as he curses under his breath. 

"Hey." I murmur, trying to calm him down, "Look it's okay!" 

"No it's not okay." He shakes his head, "It is not. They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." He points to John B who rolls his eyes, "I know you do," JJ continue his small rant by turning to Pope, "And I understand why you don't want to go. Your the golden boy. You got way too much to risk." 

He turns to Kie next, "And you, I mean, your already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?" He spins and points to me, "Homeschool you never want to break the rules, I know if your parents find out they take you away. But you and me man, we got nothing to lose! We really don't, all right?" 

I feel a small twinge of hurt at JJ's words. He had all of us to lose. He had the Pogues. 

"JJ." John B sighs, glancing away from his friend. 

"And I know it didn't used to be that way for you." JJ shakes his head, ignoring John B's attempt at getting him to shut up. 

John B shakes his head, "I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it." 

"So that's it?" JJ scoffs as John B stands up to get out of the room. 

"Just get out of my way, bro." John B snaps, shoving JJ to the side so he could walk out into the yard. 

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