☁ Chapter Eighteen ☁

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JJ leads us to the mans, whose name we figured out was Barry, house. I frowned when I saw it. Most of the houses over in these parts weren't very nice, but this one in particular was extra trashy.

"Welcome to crackhead wasteland." Sarah says as we slow to a stop.

Pope looks uneasy as he says, "I don't know about this man."

"Dude." John B says, his feet sitting up on the dash board as JJ switched the van into park, "Why are we at Barry's?"

"This'll only take a second." JJ says, flinging the door open.

"Where are you going?" I call, pulling the door open as I watch him walk towards the house. Somewhere in a neighbors yard a dog barks loudly.

He spins towards me, "Yo soy justicia."

"Did you glean anything from that?" Pope asks, looking at John B and I.

"You know somebody should probably-"

John B cuts Kie off as he climbs out of the van, "Yeah I got it."

"John B, I'm coming with." I call, jumping out and rushing after him. He gave me a strange look but didn't stop as I shoved through the door.

JJ was digging through the cabinets when I found him, "I know you got a stash around here somewhere." He mutters to himself.

"So what's your plan here, slick?" John B asks.

I cross my arms over my chest as JJ turns to face us, "Well, as thou hath stealeth from us, we stealeth from ye." He searches through the couch cushions frantically.

"That kinda got lost in translation." John B mutters.

JJ glances over his shoulder, his eyes softening for a moment when he see's me, "An eye for an eye, John B."

"Yeah that's great, JJ. What happens after you rob the drug dealer?" John B steps in front of JJ, trying to stop him in his search.

I try to reason with him, "He knows who we are J."

JJ spins around to face me and scoffs, "I'm not scared of this guy." He smacks the curtain hanging in the doorway out of the way, storming into the bedroom.

"Wait here." I whisper to John B before following JJ into the room.

I find him ripping blankets out of the closet. I put my hand on his shoulder and feel him tense for a moment. "Hey." I whisper and he relaxes slightly, "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting even." He shakes my hand off his shoulder and grabs a large duffle bag out of the closet, "There you are."

He dumps out several large stacks of money onto the bed.

"Think about this." I try to reason, "He will come after us all if you do this."

He shakes his head, counting the money and shoving it back into the duffle bag.

"Yeah and by the time he gets to it we'll be filthy rich." He says, shoving the rest of the money into the bag, "We can be on your island kicking back martinis and beers."

"That wont happen until we are older J, until then we're sitting ducks on this island." I inform him, putting both my hands on his shoulders again and stopping him from pacing around the room. He turns his attention towards the ceiling, "Fucking look at me." I snap.

He freezes, slowly dragging his eyes down to mine, "What?"

"Do you know what your getting yourself into?" I move my hands up to his cheeks, making sure he kept looking at me, "Are you absolutely sure this is what you want to do? Because I don't agree with it one bit."

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