☁ Chapter Fifteen ☁

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"En garde!" I cry out, balancing on a low branch of the large tree in John B's back yard. He had disappeared after we got back and told us all to wait here. So I did the only reasonable thing and tried to sword fight JJ. 

"This is not fair." He shakes his head. I had struggled to get my large stick back to the Chateau but I managed. That meant JJ was left with a smaller stick he found in John B's yard. 

I shrug, tipping slightly not he branch, "I don't know what you mean." 

"Yours is bigger!" 

"Thats what he said!" I gleefully jump off the brach, pointing the stick at him, "Now as I said, en garde!" 

He sighs and holds his branch up. I swing my large walking stick at his and it snaps in half. JJ gapes at the fallen half of his branch, "You've got to be kidding me." 

I giggle, looking at the small portion of the branch he had in his hand. "Oh boo, guess I win." 

"Oh this isn't over yet." He shakes his head, jumping forward, jabbing out his jagged stick. 

I grin and swing near him again. I didn't want to get too close to him in case he moved and I accidentally hit him. I ducked under the large branch and took the small head start I had to sprint down to the edge of the pier. 

I turned around to see JJ barreling towards me. I also saw John B walking towards the back porch with a blond girl. The one and only Sarah Cameron, "Oh boy." I mutter when I see Kie peacefully sitting on the porch. 

JJ skids to a spot in front of me, "What?" 

"Turn around." I mutter, watching as Sarah and John B argue about something in the front yard. 

JJ turns and chuckles slightly, "Oh this is gonna be bad." 

I nod and walk past him, making a point of poking him with my stick as I jog towards the porch. I wanted to get there before John B did so I could see Kie's responds. JJ followed after me, shoving his way past me to make it to the last chair first. 

I rolled my eyes and perched on the arm of the chair, watching the door carefully. 

"Whats up with you two?" Kie questions, noticing that JJ and I were only watching the door. 

JJ shrugs, "Nothing new." 

"When are they not acting strange." Pope shrugs, but his body tenses when he sees who's walking around the corner. "No way." 

"Okay what is going on?" Kie snaps, looking at the three of us. 

I run a hand through my hair, looking adamantly at the floor. Kie turns towards the door and flings herself off the chair, glaring at the blond girl, "What is she doing here?" She hisses. 

"Look Kie, we need her help." John B tries to reason, leading Sarah over to the couch Kie had previously been lounging on. They sit down together and I bite my lip, waiting for what would happen. 

"No we absolutely do not!" Kie yells, throwing her hand towards Sarah, "We don't need you!" 

"Kie, this plan only works with her here." John B tries to reason. 

Kie paces back and forth, "No effing way! You brought her here? So what? She's officially in on this?" 

John B glances over at us for help and I make it obvious I was too invested in studying the brick wall next to me. Pope shrugs, "I dunno." 

"Look," JJ speaks up, "All I care about is that her cut comes from your share."

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote." Kie fumes, "This is our thing. A pogue thing." 

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