☁ Chapter Seven ☁

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I had been watering my extensive collection of house plants when I heard a loud crash from my front door. JJ was standing there with his bike thrown haphazardly on the ground  behind him, "Hey." He grinned when I opened the door, "I know you just got off of work and didn't want to do anything today but it's really hard to bike when the roads are all fucked up." 

I sigh, walking back into my house. I knew JJ would follow me back inside, "You  want a ride to  the Chateau?" I ask, glancing back at him as I water the last  couple plants I had on my window sill. 

"If you would be so kind?" 

I set  the cup I had been using to hold water down, "And what are you two doing today?" 

"Do you wanna come?" He perks up, running a hand  through his hair so it messily sat up in a few places. 

"You didn't answer what you were doing?" 

"We're going to talk to Scooters wife, see if we can figure out what he was doing with  the compass." 

I narrow my eyes at him, "She's grieving and you want to go interrogate her?" 

"We aren't going to interrogate he!" 

"Jesus." I sigh, "Okay let me get changed really quick and I'll be back." 

"Why do you need  to change?" JJ questions, leaning against my counter and snatching a bagel form the bag they were in. 

I glance back at him and tilt my head, "Seriously?" I duck behind the door and yank off my spandex and stained t shirt to change into a navy blue romper. I tied a matching bandana around my head and pulled on a pair of white converse. 

"What do you mean seriously?" JJ scoffs  as he follows me out to the Jeep. He messily shoved the bike into the back, letting the front wheel and handle bars hand out the back. 

"I mean I was wearing, like, the messiest clothes possible." I mumble as I pull out of my driveway and onto the bumpy road. 

"Well," He shrugs, "I think you should wear them more often." 

"My stained shirt?" I laugh. 

"You look good in whatever you wear." JJ mumbles,  looking out the window as we fly over the island. 

"Oh?" Was all I managed to wheeze out as my face turned red. 

"Yep, 'specially those shorts." He nodded, "They really show off your ass." 

"Shut up." I chuckle, shoving his shoulder as we pull into John B's driveway. 

Together we walk up to his front door where there was a white piece of paper stapled to the door, "Shit." I whisper when I see that it was stamped with DCS's logo. 

JJ only grinned and slammed his hand onto the door causing it to rattle loudly, "DCS!" He calls, "I know you're in there!" 

I glance in the window and see John B blinking awake on the couch inside, "J." I whisper, pulling him to the window. 

He grins widely and jumps at the window, yelling loudly. John B jumps inside, flinging blankets  off of himself  as JJ and I laugh loudly, "Woah!" He gasps. 

"Gotcha, slick." JJ mocks, pushing the unlocked door open and walking inside,  "You should have seen your face," He laughs, "You were like," He mimics the face while pulling John B  off of the couch. 

"What's happening?" John B blinks, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. 

JJ hauls him off the couch and stabilized him in the center of the room, "We've got to go!" 

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