☁ Chapter Twenty-One ☁

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"What the hell are you doing?" Kie holds onto the dashboard as Pope recklessly drives away from the harbor.

JJ buckles his seat belt for I think the first time in his entire life and says, "We'll bump out."

"Watch out!" Kie warns as Pope swerves around the road.

Pope veers of into the ditch, mowing down a mailbox. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa." I close my eyes, scared that we might actually fly off into the marsh.

Pope laughs loudly as he steers us back onto the correct side of the road. "Oh my god!"

"Pope!" JJ shouts, wrapping his arm around me to keep me from flying through the windshield.

"What the fuck." Kie groans, trying to fix her hair which had been jerked out of place.

Pope taps the steering wheel, "I'm living my best life right now."

"My mom'll kill me." Kie groans, trying to see if there were any large scratches on the hood of the SUV.

"I should be the last to say this," JJ speaks, his grip on my not faltering, "But you are not okay to be driving. Stop!" Pope slams on the breaks and the tires squeal as we jerk to a stop. "Oh jeez."

"John B, get out." Pope says, glancing back, "We'll draw the cops off, you run."

"Shit." John B groans, moving to get out of the car.

JJ stops him for a moment, "I'll get the rig and meet you at the dump tomorrow, okay?" He watches tiredly as his best friend climbs out of the car, "Three o'clock, okay?"

"Yeah." John B nods, tumbling out on the road.

JJ looks nervous as he repeats, "Three tomorrow at the dump."

I wasn't sure if John B responded as I moved over to he now open seat. I frantically put on my seat belt and held on for dear life as Pope took off once more, tires squealing.

"This is not how I thought I was going to die." I whimper as we drift onto a side street. We were so deep into the marsh that most of the roads were dirt, meaning it was easy to slide off when you were going forty like Pope was.

JJ laughs, "We won't die."

Pope drove the car dangerously close to a tree and I shoot JJ a glare, "Oh yeah?" I shake my head and reach into JJ's pocket. He stiffens and sucks in a breath as I pull out a blunt and a lighter.

"Sage." Kie scolds, "We are literally being chased by the police."

I shake my head and raise the lighter up to the blunt that was resting on my lips, "I can't be sober for this." I take a long drag, holding it in for as long as I could before I blow it out the window.

I could hear Kie and Pope talking as JJ and I passed the blunt back and forth. I wasn't entirely sure what they were talking about but I knew it had something to do with Popes reckless driving.

The longer we were in the car it didn't get any better. I would have assumed that he would get tired and would stop driving like a maniac, but he didn't. "Hey J." I murmur, turning my head to face him. My eyes felt heavy as I rested my head on the seat behind me.

"Huh?" He exhaled a large puff of smoke as he spoke, directly into my face.

I blinked and lazily waved my hand around my face, clearing the smoke, "Remember when we said this summer was going to be a good one?"

"It sill might be." He shrugs, "Maybe we'll have some good luck."

"Doubt it." I admit, "If Pope doesn't kill us all I bet something else will fuck us over."

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